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Dualor stares at the Minicons in front of him. They listen to him as they rightfully should. He's their leader after all. There's a sense of responsibility that comes with leadership, and not the kind that means leading. His idea of leadership may be different than what the normal definition is, but he doesn't care. It's accurate after all.

With everything that's happened, it makes sense they listen to him and view him as the leader. Some don't agree with him, but the ones who've been here awhile know not to say anything about it. They've seen what would happen if they don't. The majority of the newer ones haven't though.

They also know that he's the best chance they have for change. It's for the better.

 "This is it." Dualor says suddenly to all the watching Minicons, "The time for our uprising is nigh and the fall of those horrible bulks will be as well. We're so close to winning that it's nearly palpable my fellow Minicons."

 "You sure?" One of the newest members of this ofaction asks, "From what I've heard you've been saying that for a while now and it still hasn't happened." The older Minicons around him stiffen as he finishes. They know what's going to happen.

Dualor looks at him with no emotion before casting that look toward Drill Bit. Drill Bit returns the look, and his optics go towards the Minicon who asked the question and walks towards him.

All the other Minicons quickly move out of the way for him. They know, it's happened before. When the Minicon who first asked the question realizes what's about to happen, it's already too late to escape now.

Drill Bit grabs him roughly by the shoulder plate and begins to drag the now struggling mech away.

 "S-someone help!" The mech that's getting dragged begs as the other Minicons avert their optics from the scene. They can't stop it, won't stop it.

Fear keeps them in line, and makes them listen. Dualor knows this, he may hate the Decepticons, but they at least know this. It's for the better he's learned.

His way may be violent, even he knows this, but it's better to have unity than anarchy to complete their goal. It's for the better.

The greater good.

A "Mini" Minicon MeetingWhere stories live. Discover now