Chapter 1

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(Tonal shift go BrRrrrrrRRrrR!)

Arcee stares at the mech in front of her, blasters ready to fire. She moves one of her peds back in preparation for the attack.




She hits the training dummy. She smiles to herself as she's proud of herself for her job.

 "Yay, Arcee!" Bumblebee cheers from the sidelines.

 "Thanks!" Arcee beams with a smile before quickly getting tackled by Cliffjumper.

 "Ha! I caught you off guard!" Cliffjumper laughs with a grin.

 "Hey! Get off me you jerk!" Arcee yells as she quickly shoves the mech off her. Cliffjumper laughs, but he complies.

 "You're just mad because I caught you off guard." He says smugly.

She rolls her optics, but she's laughing as well, "Ha, maybe!"

 "Way to go!" Bumblebee says happily as he is still from the sidelines.

 "Maybe you can try to spar next tim', Bumblebee?" Ironhide asks the young Minicon.

"Yeah!" Cliffjumper agrees with a smile.

"Ehhhh," Bumblebee responds

"Look kid, we're ina war," Ironhide starts, "you have to learn ha to figh'."

"But I don't want to. It... sounds violent," He says, "I know it's war and all, but..." He trails off as his mind seems to go to a different place. A dark place.

"Ok, how abou'... I tell y'all a story' instead?" Ironhide says quickly, changing the subject.

 "Oh yeah!" Cliffjumper says with a smile. He hasn't seemed to notice Bumblebee's change in mood, "I love stories!"

Arcee looks like she's about to agree and quickly turns to see what Bumblebee is going to say. She's immediately shocked and worried when she sees her friend looking sad.

"Bumblebee, you good?" She asks with concern for her younger friend.

He looks up at her, "Yeah..." He says it quietly before he turns his helm away a bit to look at Ironhide, "Yeah... I'd like a story." He gives a small nod.

"Ok," Ironhide says as he ruffles(?) Bumblebee's helm, "How 'bout we do that story you three all like."

 "Yeah!" Cliffjumper yells as he throws his servos in the air with excitement.

"Yes!" Arcee yells immediately.

Bumblebee seems to be cheering up a bit as he answers with a slightly bigger nod, "Ok," He isn't as perky as usual though.

Ironhide nods, "It al' started when..."

(Sorry for this chapter being short I wanted to get something out. I love this story and I can't wait to see how it goes because I'm so excited to write it! Anyways hope you enjoyed it and have a good day or night! I still can't right accents)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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