Happy New Year

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Hi guys, been a while right?
So I have decided to completely restart this book. I loved writing when I started it but a lot of things have happened since I started it. A lot of trauma and a lot of loss but also a lot of growth. I'm changing things up in the story as well as a few characters. Not really the characters themselves just face claims and styles. I've started liking new styles in clothing and writing so I'm gonna interpret that in this book. And my books from now on. I will also be updating more.
I'd also like to say thank you to everyone that has been following this story. You guys really mean a lot to me and I'm sorry I haven't been updating. But I will be doing better and I know I've said that before but I mean it this time.
I'm going to therapy and I have a psychiatrist and I have starting take meds to better my mental health. I'm very excited for this next year.
Again thank you so much for supporting this story and my other story as well. I appreciate you guys so much. Well I have to go now. Byeeee see you in a few days!

Update schedule

Monday- Their Princess
Tuesday- The Elemental Twins
Thursday- Their Princess
Friday- The Elemental Twins

Their Princess A Twilight FanficWhere stories live. Discover now