Chapter 4

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We get to a clearing in the woods where I can show dad, Billy, and Jake my powers. I'm so excited to show them what I can do, I always enjoy showing my powers to others but because not everyone knows about witches I can't always show them. "So I want everyone to stay here. Now someone give me an element." I say. "Uhm since we are in the woods why not earth?" Jake says still looking a bit confused. "Okay give me a second." I say and walk a few steps in front of them and turn towards them. I kneel and touch the ground, and it starts to vibrate. Soon a tree starts growing next to me. First it sprouts then grows to a small bush the grows bigger til it is a full grown oak tree. I softly thank the earth and look towards the three who were watching me. Dad is crying, Billy is tearing up, and Jake is shocked. "Well was earth. I also can control and manipulate the other three elements. I also can use spells and can also see and speak to ghosts or as I call them spirits. My powers developed when I was 6, they first showed up one day when I was with Nana, who made me keep it secret. She taught me how to control my powers and made sure I knew how to protect myself if needed." I said smiling. I wiped dad's tears. "When she passed Renee pretty much kept me locked away. I wasn't allowed to do anything except go to school and home. But then we went to Italy, I thought she was making an effort with me but she just did it so that she could leave me in hopes I died. Thankfully one of my aunts saw me outside the castle and offered me help. That's when I met my father. He's been wonderful since and my whole family knows about my powers." I say.

We start walking back to the house. "Where are you staying?" Jake asks. "We moved into that new house that was built not long ago. My uncle wanted us to have our own property to do whatever we wanted and to give me free range to practice my powers whenever I needed. The twins will be here later this week and then we will be starting school together. Thankfully my father has agreed that we will only be taking one of these idiots with us to school. Otherwise it would draw way too much attention." I laugh a bit, Afton flicks me. "I'm not the idiot in this group that's Santiago." He says. My phone rings and I pull it out to see that it's my father. I answer and put it on speaker.
"Hi papa! You're on speaker"
"Hey Princess I'm just calling to check on you. You didn't call me earlier and I got a bit worried."
"Papa you have nothing to worry about, but I am with my dad right now."
"Oh do tell him I said hello. I also wanted to tell you that Jane said for you to FaceTime her when you get home because she can't figure out which outfits to pack and says she doesn't have room for her essentials? I tried telling her to ask your aunts or even Chelsea but she said none of them knew what they were talking about."
"Yeah that sounds like Jane, but in her defense Aunt Thea and Aunt Sol aren't into today's fashion. And Chelsea wears mostly professional clothing. Jane and I are the only ones with similar fashion sense. Also everyone here is very excited to meet you and the family."
"Oh honey I'm very excited to meet them as well. And I don't know what you mean I think Sol and Athena have great fashion sense, a bit on the older side but it is still pretty good. Oh and Caius said did you see the weapons room in the basement. He had it specifically made for you and the twins. And Aro said he expects a call later because he wants to know what the people are like."
"Well I did see it and I loved it tell him I said thank you. Tell Uncle Aro I will try to call him later today and if not today tomorrow. But I'm gonna go talk to dad and everyone here for a bit and then we have to go get some things from the store. I love you and I'll call you later. Bye papa"
"I love you too Princess goodbye."
I ended the call and looked up at Dad and Jacob. "That was my papa, he's been a bit unsure of me coming here without him. Especially since we aren't sure where Renee is and he doesn't want her anywhere near me." I say smiling. I love my dads but Father would kill Renee if she were to come even close to me. "I understand I don't think I'd want her near you either now that I know the truth.
~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~
After talking for 3 hours with Charlie, Jacob, and Billy, Afton, Santiago and I left and went to the Cullen house. We knocked on the door and Esme opened it. "Hi Elizabeth how may we help you?" "Hi Mrs. Cullen. I'm here to make something known." She let me in and we walked upstairs where everyone was. My mates rushed over to me and hugged me and I could see someone glaring in our direction. "What are you doing here? Not that we don't want you here we just didn't expect to see you today." Alice says. I could tell she and Jasper were on edge so I gave them both a smile then turned and walked to Edward. He watched me with a smirk on his face and I kept my smile. " I see you are choosing me over them." He says. Smirking at Alice and Jasper. My smile drops off my face and I hold my hand out and watch as he drops to the ground writhing in pain. "I had a vision last night of you harming my mates to try to get to me to submit to be yours. And I'm here to say that won't happen. I'm not some stupid weak human. I'm a witch with very strong powers. And I'll kill you before I let you harm my loved ones. I'm only allowing you to live for right now because of Carlisle and Esme." "Even think of trying to take my mates from me or me from them and I will kill you in more ways than one. This is just a small fraction of what I can do to you. Notice how your whole body is cracking and slowly shattering. I'll make sure you suffer if I even think a thought of me enters your head. Now if you will excuse me I have mates and a brother and sister to bond with." I put my hand down and turn away. I grab Emmett and Rose's hands and drag them over to Alice and Jasper. " Carlisle, Esme, I will be kidnapping these four for a few days. They will be back after I've broken them. Byee" I say as I drag all four down the stairs and out the door. "Get in, Santiago and Afton will run home." I watch and they laugh at me and get in the car Afton and Santiago look at me and roll their eyes before running off in the direction of the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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