Chapter 1

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Beth's POV:
Hi my name is Elizabeth Bianca Swan-Voltori, I'm the sister of Isabella Swan, Bella for short. Today I am moving to Forks Washington from Volterra Italy. I'm moving for my last year of High School, my dad wanted me to have at least one normal year of high school and decided it would be my last year. When I was 11 I was abandoned then adopted. My biological mother Renee had took Bella and I on a trip to Italy. And while on this trip, three days before I was told we were supposed to be leaving I went for a walk. And when I got back to the hotel room, Renee and Bella were gone.
Renee had left a note saying that she didn't want me anymore. She was tired of me and Bella not getting along. She was also upset that I had gotten both my grandparents entire inheritance. She thought that if I disappeared she could gain access to the account that they put the money in, and play as if she was using the money to find me.

She couldn't, but she didn't know that until after I was already adopted. When I was done crying the hotel staff knocked on the room door and told me that I was supposed to be checked out and needed to leave. So I packed my things and just walked around. I met a woman by the name of Heidi who offered to let me join her tour for free so I accepted and went.

When we got to the end of the tour I knew something was wrong so I put up a shield around myself. When I started hearing screams I closed my eyes and once they stopped I opened them. I saw everyone in the room that was on the tour on the floor dead and other people that I didn't know staring at me. The bodies on the floor didn't really faze me. I had been through enough trauma living with a mother that was neglectful and acted like a child herself, but when I looked at a certain man I knew I was where I belonged. And as I looked around I could feel bonds form with everyone in the room. I removed my shield and walked to the older man with long black hair. He seemed shocked at first and looked towards the man next to him. He then handed his hand to the man. It took a few seconds before the man looked at me then back at him and nodded. I looked back at the man I stood in front of as he started to speak. "Hello child, my name is Marcus Voltori, these are my brother's Aro and Caius. Do you feel the bond like I see them?" He said. I stared in disbelief that he knew what I was feeling. "I do, My name is Elizabeth Swan. How did you know I could feel it?" I asked. I wanted to cry, this was the first time that I had felt a parental bond in a long time. I didn't know if I should believe it.

Marcus stood up and walked down the stairs and pulled me into a hug. And that's when I broke. I sobbed in his arms and it took a while to stop. When he pulled away and bent down to my level and wiped my tears away. I knew then and there that he was gonna be an amazing father to me. What I didn't know was just how much love there would be.
When we finished our moment, he asked me where my parents were, and why they weren't with me or protected like I was, he seemed concerned as to why I was alone here. So I told him the truth. "My parents are divorced. But my dad isn't really in my life. My mom just abandoned me today." Then I pulled out the note Renee left me and handed it to him. I watched and he unfolded the paper and read it. I watched as he got angry. I watched as he handed the paper to Aro and he read it. Marcus pulled me into another hug and when we pulled apart Caius had the note and was whispering into a woman's ear. The woman looked at me then sped away through a door. I guess the confusion was visible on my face because Caius got up and walked to me. He bent down to my height and smiled at me. "She is going to get Aro's Wife and My wife. I'm Caius, I'm your new uncle. My wife will be so excited to have a child here. She's wanted someone to spoil for so long." He said still smiling at me. I started crying again and he started to look worried. Aro bent down and asked for my hand so I gave it to him. It seemed he understood why I was crying. "She has never had much family bonds other than her grandparents. And they passed away. She has been alone suffering since. Much abuse and neglect in this child's life." He then held his hand to my cheek. "I'm so sorry for all that you have gone through. No child deserves that. But things will be better I promise." After he said that he pulled me into a hug. When we came apart the woman that Caius was speaking to came into the room with two more women behind her.

The women looked at me and then the three brothers. Caius stood up and walked to them. A very pretty blonde woman smiled at him and it seemed as if she floated towards him. She looked at him as if he was heaven on earth to her. "Athenodora my love I'd like you to meet someone, Sulpicia sister come. This is Elizabeth, she is your new niece. She is soul bonded to Marcus. He is her soul bonded father. Aro and I are soul bonded to her as uncles. And from what I am seeing in Marcus' and her face she is bonded to you two as well. I'm assuming as aunts. Am I right?" He says as he walks them towards me. They look at Marcus and he nods at them. And they instantly drop down hugging me. It was so weird for me. To suddenly have a family.
~~~Flashback Over~~~

Anyways after I met everyone and spent time with my new dad, Marcus, Athenodora, and I flew back to America. Where Marcus filed to adopt me. He took Renee to court and helped me sue her for everything she did to me and for leaving me in a foreign country alone. At first she denied it but when I showed the judge the letter she left me she admitted to it. The judge asked me why I didn't want to press charges or have her sent to jail for child neglect and abandonment. I told her how I just wanted to be adopted out of this family. So then the judge asked why I didn't want to live with Charlie and I told her the truth. He hasn't been around. We never bonded together. It was always about Bella that's how Renee wanted it and how she made it. So the judge asked where I would live when I was adopted, how I would do school and such, and Marcus gave the judge paperwork showing that he had enough money to take care of me and put me in a private school. And that I'd be living with him and his family in the castle. Of course he made sure to tell the judge not to disclose that it was a castle. And then I mentioned that I'd be taking my inheritance money as well as all that was left for me in my grandparents' wills. After 3 days in court, the judge gave me all of my inheritance and gave Marcus custody of me. Then told Renee she could not contact me until I was eighteen. Then the police followed us to Renee's house to get anything that belonged to me and that I may need. Not that it was much. After that Marcus, Athenodora and I went home. It took some time to get used to having a family and calling Marcus dad but after a few weeks it started feeling natural.

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