The Streets of Sippar

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Sippar was retaken by the Five's army. They had won, and Nikkal was still alive. After the battle, the soldiers moved from the tents into the city, inhabiting free apartments, houses or rooms in the palace for the time being. Nikkal got a room with Zakiti in the palace.

Now, they were partaking in rebuilding the city and its defence in case Kengirians decided to again conquer it. But they would soon leave, she was being told, and continue forward against Kengirian forces.

Nikkal still felt numb and she didn't know what to do. She doubted she could fight again. She wondered how Ethan was doing. There had been no news from Akshak yet. Was her brother still alive? What about Su and Shimun? She forced herself to write to them shortly after the battle, but Nikkal had yet to receive any letters.

What would they think of her? Were they also forced to murder someone already? ...What would her parents think? Surely, they would say they were right that she was indeed a monster. She felt sick. Had felt so for days.

Two weeks had passed since the battle, and Nikkal was on patrol duty that afternoon. She walked past the square and stopped for a second. There were no remains of the device. Instead, people walked through as if nothing had happened. Against the walls, stands with goods were placed and traders were offering their wares. The old statue - of Shamash, the fire mage of the Five, she later found out - was also gone. She had heard from the other soldiers that the lord had already commissioned a new one to be placed. Nikkal rolled her eyes, why should he have a statue here when it wasn't even him who liberated the city?

She continued her path, passing people who were looking suspiciously at her as if she was about to hurt them. She guessed they were Kengir supporters, or those who had surrendered. There were many of them who did, and many more hurt. Yet their side treated them all the same. It wasn't what she thought they would do to them, but it did soothe her conscience at least a little.

Her path led her to the walls surrounding the city. Earth mages continued their work repairing it, while nearby water, fire and other earth mages were making bricks alongside non-mages. All of them were from the army. She hadn't seen any mages that had lived in the city, and the reason made her shiver. Nikkal looked wistfully at the fire mages, wanting to help them as well. Wishing for her fire to be like this. And she promised to herself it would be, that she wouldn't give up.

Nikkal noticed the general walking by, most likely keeping an eye on how the repairs were going. They hadn't spoken to each other since the battle, and she would see him only from afar as he was always busy. But that day he approached her.

"General," she put two fingers to her collarbone.


Ah, so it was business time, and not friendly time.

"Nothing new," she answered.

"And that means?"

Huh? After a second, Nikkal answered again: "Besides angry glares, there have been no problems."

That did seem to satisfy him more. Then he ordered (or asked???): "Walk with me?"

Was this a trick question? Could she say no, or was that really an order? But again, what would she get if she declined? Instead she could ask him about Akshak! And Su and Shimun, they were in Enki's army too! As a general he would definitely know, right?

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