Battle of Nineveh - part I

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The tension in the air was thick like tar. Nikkal squirmed in her seat as she watched the debate unfold. More scouts arrived the day after the first one did, bearing reports on the enemy's force.

"We have to regroup," Mer of Mari said flatly. "Two hundred thousand soldiers is double we expected."

"We would be overwhelmed if we met them head-on," Niall agreed. His eyes were fixated on the map. "I say we retreat to Kalhu."

Kalhu was a city that stood nearby Nineveh and was recently retaken by their troops. Some of their healers had remained there, setting up a hospital where the wounded would be sent and further treated.

"If we do that, the enemy will attack us from the back," Shaushka argued. "Besides, we have far too many soldiers to fit inside the city."

"Then we split up," Niall was fast to reply.

"So the Kengirians will have it even easier to subdue us?" Shausha inquired. "No, we have to settle in the hills and use the high ground."

"What of the camp followers?" Ashur-Ninari asked nervously. "Where will they go?"

"They will be behind us," Shaushka told him, her voice, which was sharp as a blade a mere minute ago, gentle.

"What if we get surrounded?" Mer inquired in turn. "While I disagree with going to Kalhu, betting on the hills would be a bloody battle."

"I think we should send the camp followers to Kalhu," Ashur-Ninari stated. "They would be safer there."

Nikkal saw Agga nod in agreement. She could guess whom he was thinking of. The room fell silent, as everyone thought the matter over. Nikkal glanced at Niall and could practically see the dozens of thoughts flash before his eyes.

"Can't we just go around them and go take Nineveh while they're away?" the young lord of Assur asked.

Everyone turned to look at him and then at each other. This was such a stupid idea. So stupid it gave Nikkal an idea.

"Can I?" she asked, looking around. Once she saw Niall's quick nod, Nikkal said, "We could split into... uhm, five groups. One makes sure the camp followers get to Kalhu, the second goes back, feigning retreat to confuse the Kengis, and groups three to five go around and attack the army from the back."

Niall smiled at her proudly, which made her face flush and feel proud of herself.

"I don't think five groups are necessary," Mer stated, however, there was a hint of approval in his voice. "I doubt the enemy doesn't know how great our force is, therefore if we do split up, they will notice the trails we will leave behind. Do you see where I am going?"

"Uhm... they will split up as well?"

"How big did you envision the group that would be meant to confuse the Kengirians?" Niall joined in.

"A small one, like a battalion," she answered and realised where they were heading. "Got it... they wouldn't follow a small group in such a scenario."

"But they might follow the one heading for Kalhu," Shaushka said concerned.

"We won't use them as bait," Niall firmly stated.

"Nor was I suggesting that," Shaushka replied, slightly confused.

Ultimately, they agreed to split into four groups, including the retreating camp followers. The greatest group would feign retreat, while the other two would attack the Kengirian forces from behind. The tentative place where the battle would take place would be a plain nearby one of the creeks that flowed into Idigina.

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