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Nikkal was bored. Utterly, thoroughly bored.

Sure, there were times where all she'd wished for was to sleep all day and get warm, delicious food, but now, after weeks of that, she had enough.

What's more, due to safety measurements and for her recovery, she had been sent away from the frontline to a sanctuary for wounded soldiers. Nikkal argued against it, saying it wasn't that bad and assuring them she felt fine, but Niall had been adamant about it. On top of that, he was aided by both Iyar and the healer who was teaching him.

She ended up arguing with all of them.

At the very least, she wasn't alone here, as Nanniya and Hunzuu were also recovering. Nanniya had a broken leg, while Hunzuu had been stabbed in the side. Zakiti had been also injured that night, but it was just a bruised shoulder, which didn't need any further medical attention

The three of them were sent away the day after the battle. The sanctuary was located at the foothill of the small mountain ridge through the Idigina passes. There were numerous small lakes here. Their waters, filled with natural magic, had healing properties. Actually, the entire area was filled with magic, as the crystals and magic herbs that grew here indicated.

While the mountaintops were treeless, covered in green grass that grew in-between protruding rocks, there was an old forest nearby, in which, according to locals, spirits lived.

The place itself was pretty, sure, but after a while, Nikkal grew restless and bored of her routine, which consisted of healer visits, rest, bathing in the shallow lakes and talking with Hunzuu and Nanniya. Not that she longed to return to war, no, but she was worried and missed her friends who stayed at the frontline. What if something happened to them while she was away?

Most of all, she missed Niall. Missed his very presence, his voice, his touch, his scent, the touch of his lips on her face... And she was so worried for him. What if something happened to him? What if the warlord managed to-?

Nikkal shook her head. This was the line of thinking that got her hurt in the first place. Plus Niall was the strongest, most competent warrior she knew. He would be alright.

However, as much as she reminded herself of this, as much as she tried to hang on to the bitterness she felt during that argument when they had parted, she just couldn't. Nikkal wasn't someone to simply trust something, she had to make sure of it.

Nikkal looked up at the blue sky. She should probably go back before someone noticed she sneaked out again. She'd started to walk around the sanctuary, exploring, ever since the wound stopped hurting when she walked.

Standing up from the bench, she walked down the sidewalk that meandered between ponds and lakes. Nikkal passed a few stands, where locals sold their goods. For many, their income depended on selling their work to people who came here seeking healing. Nikkal too bought some presents for her friends from them – for Su, who a month ago had her birthday, she got a comb decorated with a carving of jumping fishes and waterlilies; for her brother she got a pouch of crystals that was meant to be kept as a sort of talisman; meanwhile for the entire squad she got a matching set of woven headbands, because why not? Hunzuu had looked at it curiously – he probably thought it was joke since he was bald – but then thanked her when he realised she got it for everyone. Nanniya on the other hand, looked at it critically, admiring the work, and then thanked her as well.

She also got something for Niall besides the headband. At first, she considered keeping it for his birthday, but then she saw something even better, and so she decided to send the copper lion-shaped brooch with the letter she wrote that day.

Writing letters to everyone was the most exciting activity to her currently, second only to exploring. And each time she received one made her both joyful and anxious.

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