10: Deep deep down in Goblin town.

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"A mess of beautiful contradictions
make her a whole.
She wears fire for skin ,
but a storm lives in her soul."


It was pouring that night in the mountains. The wind was tearing at my rain soaked clothes. Thunder and lightning tore through the sky.

Fili and I were along the back of the line. All of us were tired and hungry, as we had not yet stopped. We had walked for days on end.

The rocks were slippery. Bilbo had almost fallen of the ledge and into the abyss below.

"We must find shelter!" Thorin shouted from the front, but I could barely hear him over the storm.

"Look out!" Dwalin screamed.

I looked up, just in time to see a giant boulder hurtling towards us. Then I realized what was happening. Too late.

"This is no thunderstorm," Balin shouted "It's a thunder battle! Look!"

Another boulder hurtled towards us. I looked to where Balin was pointing.

Through the rain, I saw a great shape looming far above us. It looked like a giant!

"Well, bless me!" Bofur shouted "The legends are true! Giants! Stone giants!"

I realized that we were walking over a stone giant's knees!

A crack appeared between Fili and me. I looked at my brother in horror. The giant was standing up!

"Kili! Grab my hand!" My brother called to me.

But the crack got bigger and bigger! We were now more than a yard apart!

We jumped to safety as the two giants fought, but Fili and the others were still in danger.

At last, their giant was beaten and tumbled down. BUT, the danger wasn't over.

The leg on which Fili was went crashing into the side of the cliff!

"No!" Thorin screamed.

I just looked on in horror as the rest of the giant's body tumbled into the ridge, far below.

We ran towards the place where my brother and the others had crashed into the cliff.

We rounded a corner and saw them sprawled on the rocks. We ran to them and started helping them up.

"Where's Bilbo?" Bofur called suddenly.

We all looked around and found him hanging from the ridge. Thorin, Nori and Bofur helped him back onto the ledge. Thorin nearly slipped, but luckily Dwalin was near enough to help him back.

"Thought we lost our burglar." Dwalin joked.

"No." Thorin said crossly "He's been lost, ever since he left home. He should never have come! He has no place among us!"

Then he turned towards a hidden cave entrance and motioned to Dwalin. When I entered, Thorin was giving orders.

I lay awake for some time, wondering where Illdera was. I thought about the night we met. I remembered how I was speechless when I saw that she could talk.

I felt kind of strange. It was as if I missed her smile. The kind of reckless, yet smart smile...

Finally I fell asleep with her blue eyes in front of me...


"Wake up! wake up!" Thorin's voice jerked me out of my dreaming.

I sat up, just in time to roll into a dark hole. I fell and landed into a makeshift trap of some kind. Some of the dwarfs fell on me and I fell on others.

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