Hae Ra (OC)🤰 X Dancing Rasta💍

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Request/Suggestion by: YOONRAboo

Hae Ra anywhere while she needs to find Dancing Rasta. She was surprised the decoration when he fixed them. Rasta arrived her & he asked her.

Dancing Rasta: Hae Ra *smile at her

Hae Ra: *smile at him* Dancing Rasta, What are you doing here?

Dancing Rasta: This is for you & me. You are the most beautiful & smart I ever heard. I really say.... *Kneel down & reveal the diamond ring* Will you marry me?

Hae Ra: I can't believe it. Yes! 😳💕💕 Yes!

Dancing Rasta: *Blush & Stand, He put the ring on Hae Ra's finger, he hugged her* I love you

Hae Ra: Aw, I love you, too, Dancing Rasta 💗

Hae Ra & Dancing Rasta kiss each other. After the next week. Everyone invited the wedding at the church. Rasta wear his suit. Hae Ra wears her white dress. She walks towards him. They are celebrating & congrats to them. Since they have a party. Until they are done invite the wedding. Hae Ra & Dancing Rasta staying their house. She puke on the toilet & gets the pregnancy test. Hae Ra was pregnant. She came to him & she asked her husband.

Hae Ra: I really want to tell you...

Dancing Rasta: What is it? Is there any problem?

Hae Ra: Well... *She shows the pregnancy test to Rasta* I'm pregnant. You're gonna be a father ^w^

Dancing Rasta: You're pregnant!? That's amazing! We want to see our kids! I'm so happy to you!

Hae Ra: Same 🥺💝

Dancing Rasta help his wife, Hae Ra laying down the bed. He heard inside the stomach of Hae Ra. He can't wait to see his child. They are excited. They are waiting in 9 months. After the next 9 months. The baby was arrived & Hae Ra's stomach was hurt. Dancing Rasta needs call the ambulance. He waited her when the nurses & doctors fix Hae Ra's stomach. The Doctor told him worried his wife. Rasta inside the room & he sees Hae Ra holds the child. The child was the son/daughter of Hae Ra & Dancing Rasta. She named her son's/daughter's name. They became a normal family  💗.

Hope you love them! Have a great readers! 💖

If you want read more chapters in oneshots, please comment here/comment on board in public message/DM me in private. THANK YOU! ^w^

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