Hae Ra (OC)🤰 X Dancing Rasta💍 (New Born Child)

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Request/Suggestion by: YOONRAboo

*At the hospital, Rasta look at his wife, Hae Ra holds the baby. They are think the baby's name & gender. The baby could obviously female or male. 👀*

The baby is a girl

Dancing Rasta:
Look at her. Isn't she beautiful ❤️

Hae Ra:
Of course, she's beautiful
*holds her baby*
What should we named her?

Dancing Rasta:
Wynter. She's looking like snow

Hae Ra:
I love her name. She is the most beautiful girl that we knew
*smile at her*

Dancing Rasta:
Of course, my dear ^^

* Dancing Rasta & his wife, Hae Ra looking at Wynter was beautiful. They are goes to inside her husband's house. She would stay with him & their daughter. After next 4 years later. Wynter was 3 years old. She drew her family on the paper. She goes to her parents' room.*

Mom! Dad!

Dancing Rasta:
Good morning, sweetie

Hae Ra:
Morning, Wynter. You wake up so early

Look what I draw
*give the paper to her parents*

Hae Ra:
*hold the paper & look*
Aw, Cute drawing. This is us

Dancing Rasta:
Of course, it's us. That's me, I'm play the soccer. You & Wynter watch me playing the stadium. 😄

Hae Ra:
That's right. I know Supa Strikas misses you.

Dad, can you show me your stadium 🥺♥️

Dancing Rasta:
Why of course, little footballer.
*Get up*
Your mom cooking your breakfast 😁

*Hae Ra's husband goes to the bathroom. Hae Ra cook the breakfast for Wynter. He goes to the kitchen & he looked at them smile. They are eat breakfast & they are ready to go on the Strikaland. *

Dancing Rasta:
Here we are. The Strikaland. You remember it?

Hae Ra:
Of course.

It's so cool 🥺💞

Dancing Rasta:
Let's get inside

* They're inside it, when he showed them of the Strikaland's room. *

*point at the training room*
What's that?

Dancing Rasta:
The training room. Those players trained to become a greatest football player of the Super League

Hae Ra:
That's why your dad works here

Wow! Have you played before

Dancing Rasta:
Yes, Therefore, I'm the captain of Supa Strikas. So that, everyone knows them for we are the world's greatest football. That is how Coach trains here too in the past

Every next generations?

Dancing Rasta:
Yes. The players played or quit the team

What happened?

Dancing Rasta:
They are not players. They are gave up for not played anymore. Wanna show the outside? It's the the soccer field.

Yes! I cannot wait! I'm excited

Hae Ra:
Your dad & I meet when you're born. He would show you. Supa Strikas won their champion everything. 😊

They are awesome! 🥰

Dancing Rasta:
I'll show you the way I played 😁

* Dancing Rasta show his daughter at outside of the soccer field. She was very happy to him. Her father was proud of her. Wynter loves playing soccer like her father. Her mother prouds of them & she smiled at them. They are greatest family to be star.♥️💞💞*

Hope you love them! Have a great readers! 💖

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