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Sammy had their hands over his wound, where he was bleeding out when Laura jumped down, looking at the two. "Laura, it's Sammy and Ryan."  She snaps out of the hungry state and looks at the two. "What happened?" She asked as she sat by Ryan looking at Sammy's bloody hands. "The hunter stabbed him when you ran off," they stated as they looked at Ryan, who made a joke, asking how bad it was. "That bad, huh?" He groaned, hurting at Laura, looking around, then thought of something. "You're not going to like this, but if I bit you," Sammy looked up at Laura as she put her hands up. "It will heal the wound up, and when we kill Chris Hackett, we be cured." Sammy looks at Ryan, and then he looks up at them who had tears in their eyes. "It be okay" he move their short hair out of their face as he told Laura to do it. She lift his arm up to her mouth as she take a bite from his arm with him yelping in pain. "Laura that's enough" Sam told their face as she stop with Ryan looking at the ceiling. He was holding Sammy hand as they hear footsteps coming to them. "We need to move" they both wrap Ryan's arms around them ad they start moving to safety.
  Laura stood at the door where she push a dresser to the door with Sammy helping as Ryan lean against one of the dressers. "Well they aren't going get  through in a hurry" she said as she turn around to the two who was standing there. Sammy look around "Man. This place is huge" with them walking toward the middle of the room. Ryan started grunting "i...might need to..... rest for a bit" he breathe out with Sammy rushing to his side worried. Laura sorta look around "you will feel better soon" with a cool coming from Ryan as she smile "I'm feeling good actually" she start looking around like a predator looking for prey. "Laura what are you doing? Pls stop" Sam state getting worried as Ryan hold their hand trying to calm them. "Do you smell that?" She asked as they look straight ahead. "No." He then said as a question as she kept looking then snap out of it. "Nevermind. Let's find another way down to find wherever Chris Hackett is" "or a way out. I'm tired of being chased ant stabbed?" Ryan told her as he then look at Sammy who nodded at what he said as Laura then sigh "fine. A way out then."  She then start looking around with Sammy helping her, Ryan trying to stop hurting from the stab wound. Laura stop shortly from the hunt seeing syringes on the ground with a huh coming from her. "Whats that?" Sam asked as Laura shush her telling her friend to stay close as Ryan come over to them. "Yeah. 'All to see you with my dear'" Ryan stated as Laura shush him telling him to stay close. Sam start walking until one of the floorboard started making noise. "Guys watch your step" the two then nodded as they carefully walk through the room. They then hear a noise from the other side of the room. "What was that?" Ryan asked as a big figure start walking to them. Ryan push Sammy behind him trying to protect them. There standing in the moonlight a werewolf that was chained to the wall. Laura stood there saying "I think we found Chris Hackett" "son of a bitch" Ryan said as the thing started snarling at us trying to get free yanking one of the chains from the wall, hitting the ground. "Ryan..." Laura started as it yank the other chain getting free and start walking towards them. It's claws hitting the ground as the floor started creaking and a loud snap was heard sending all of them through the floor. 

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