Page 2|The Chosen One

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           I've been so confused in that moment, that I didn't even see what was even on my wrists. On my left wrist, there was a Sun tattooed on it. On my right wrist, there was a Moon tattoo-'wait... TATTOO?! I have TATTOOS on my WRISTS!' I was so caught up in my panic, that I didn't even notice all of the attention on me, that soon turned into loud questions. "Um, excuse me..." 'Too quiet.' "Pardon." 'Almost!' "Pardon me!" Now I had their attention, but they were quieter. "First, why are symbols on tattooed on my wrists? Second, what do you mean, I'm the 'Chosen One'?" More hushed questions erupted in the room until, "You mean you don't know?" This voice, I heard very clearly compared to everyone else's voice. The owner of the voice introduced himself as Itane before he started speaking again. "You were literally created by Satan himself and fricking G.O.D and you don't know who you are?! Honestly, who did they bless with you?" He muttered the last part though I very much heard him, so I replied. "They blessed an abusive, mentally unstable, and overall broken family." "Oop- I mean- Welllll- *Sips Tea* Drama!" 'What does she mean?' "Diane! That was outtapocket." 'How do her words come out of her pocket?' I stood, flabbergasted, watching the scene before my eyes. 'Why do I feel connected to these people And that Itane person never answered my questions.' Suddenly, the door bursts open to reveal two people.

ŞåvïørOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora