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           I knocked on the door, and was soon greeted by a punch to the gut. The sound of Endeavor's voice echoed throughout the house, "You will start public school at UA tomorrow. Your uniform is on your bed you useless slut. Like honestly, just be fucking straight! ...And don't expect any training time to be lost." "Yes father," I said quickly before going to my room. "Don't talk back to me Shoto!" I heard his voice downstairs. 'This bipolar idiot! Yesterday it was Answer Me and now it's Don't Talk Back To Me.' I sighed before closing my door.


           "SHOTO, GET TO THE TRAINING ROOM!" 'At 4 o'clock in the morning?' I groaned to myself. I quickly got ready and ran downstairs. I entered the training room only to be met by an attempted punch to my throat. "So you finally learned how to block an attack? Block thi-" I cut his fireball off by encaging it in an ice block. "Okay, enough with the Ice! Use your goddamn fire!" And with that statement, I turned the ice block, with his fireball still in it, towards him and melted it with my fire. He got hit then yelled "I'M JUST TIRED DAMMIT!" He glared at me before saying, "Don't think you've won anything. Go clean yourself up and get to school." 'Where was this strength before? It probably comes with the new quirk.' I thought to myself. I left the training room to my bathroom to take a nice shower, and then just leave. I had breakfast 1 hour ago anyways.

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