Fifteen: Blind.

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The underground tunnels are dank and damp, heavy with slum-like moisture as the noise of water droplets from leaking pipes act like a metronome to your steps.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

There's a faint rumbling of minecarts: someone is in here.

A crashing noise alongside screaming: there is a fight here. You could feel the walls around you vibrate and the floor shake with every breath you took, the crumbling walls beginning to fall around you. You put a hand to your forehead and blink when the skin feels hot to the touch—a fever?

A fever in the middle of a mission? That was unheard of.

You fish your phone out of your pocket and look at the picture that you were sent by one of the Armed Detective Agency members: A rotund man, his nose large and of European descent, with a tuft of blond hair on his otherwise shaved head. His eyes were slim and slick with cunningness, an earpiece to his left ear and a sadistic grin on his face, captured all on camera. You sigh and pull your pistol out when you can hear racing footsteps.

You hide in one of the dips of the tunnel, your gun at your disposal and your hearing pressed against the metal wall.

What was that vision that you had earlier so unsettling to you?

You remembered the viciousness of your crimes when you had ripped out, by bare hands, the ribcage of your victim and stabbed the ribs into his head, brain matter pulsing out with blood pooling down his neck. It had been a particularly gruelling mission, with Mori encouraging you to take 'creative endeavours' with your executions; putting a bullet to the head wasn't cutting it anymore. As much as the Port Mafia claimed it loved Yokohama and protecting the city, those who opposed it saw no mercy from the Scalpel, and the Scalpel was unpitying to those who opposed her Boss.

Specifically her boss.

You close your eyes and feel your breath shortening, haggard breaths leaving your mouth. No, not again. Not when you're just about to catch the man behind the virus. You can't do this now.

"Stop it," You snap to yourself, slapping yourself on the temple, "Stop."

A cackle that breaks through, and you find yourself lunging forwards. Your foot smashes through the minecart, tumbling it off its tracks. The man in the minecart flies out, a screech coming out of his mouth as you immediately run towards him. All within seconds, you have your gun to his head and your foot on his back.

"Any movement and I'll kill you."

He starts sputtering, sweating and swearing as he looks at you from below, begging for his life, "Spare me! I know nothing!"

"I know you're the one behind the virus," You say. Your voice is hollow, your body losing its vigour as coldness takes over.

"Forgive me! I'll disable the virus right away!"

You kick him up, "Do that, and follow me. Hands up. Start running and I'll kill you on the spot. Understand?"

"Understood!" He immediately puts his hands up and begins to walk towards the end of the tunnel. You have your gun pointed at him, sweat beading your temples as your breath comes out in pants.

You're seeing things again.

You're holding Hikari Hashimoto hostage. She's walking, crying and wailing, with her eyes glassy with tears as she begs for mercy. She's walking—no, she's waddling, her swollen stomach thick and round like a balloon, filled with a growing embryo. You swallow the lump in your throat as you continue to walk, the light at the end of the tunnel growing larger and larger. Your face looks almost sickly...sweaty and sticky. The gun is unsteady.

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