Chapter 10: "143"

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My mom planned a trip to Korea for this summer for us two.
Honestly I've been waiting for that trip for so long, but now that I'm with Louis, I don't want to be away from him for too long.
I haven't told my mother that I'm dating Louis yet just because I'm waiting for a right moment.

She was on the phone talking with a friend when I came in the room to talk to her.
I just couldn't wait anymore and thought that I should just tell her.

She saw me and showed me to sit down until she finished with the phone call.
When she hung up she smiled and sat up straight on her bed next to me.

"What's up?" she asked me
"I have something to tell you..." my hands started sweating
"I'm dating someone..." she looked so happy she started clapping her hands
"Oh my! Really? That's fantastic!" she then hugged me.
I pulled out from the hug and looked at her in the eyes
"Well, do I know her? I mean, do I know that person...sorry..." she looked worried after she assumed that it was a girl
"It's okay mom, don't be sorry...actually you know this person..."

Before I could say anything she cut me of and started clapping in excitement
"Oh my is it Louis???" she asked and stood up. I just nodded and she hugged me. We talked for a bit more, she asked for some details but of course I wanted to keep those to myself.
I was really happy to finally tell her and that she had nothing against it. 

Later that night I called Louis to tell him about my mom.

"You told her?? " his voice was heard from the other side of the call
"Mhm...well she kind of speculated that it was you" I covered myself with a blanket and placed my phone next to me as I laid my head on the pillow.
"I'm sorry...I don't know when I'll tell my father...not because I don't want to, but because I'm not sure what his reaction will be. Don't get me wrong, I really like you and I'm sure my dad likes you too. You're not the problem. I just don't know how he'll react because this is my first relationship ever and it's with a boy. Not that you aren't amazing and everything but I'm afraid that my dad won't understand" he said all of that with a worrying voice in a spare of seconds.

"Louis, calm down... don't worry about it. We aren't rushing things, no one is forcing you to tell anyone. Just because I'm open about it doesn't mean that you have to be too. Take your time, it might take a long time and that's okay! Don't pressure your self." I tried calming him down because he seemed stressed.
"Thank you..." his voice switched to a sweet and calmed voice. I smiled once I heard his voice and my heart felt warmer.
"It's pretty late...should we go to bed?" he asked and waited for my response. Honestly, I didn't want to hang up. I wanted to listen to his voice all night.
"Yeah...I'll see you tomorrow" I said 
"Good night Neo..." 
"Sweet dreams Louis"

And with that, our conversation ended. I placed my phone under my pillow and closed my eyes. I still had that warm feeling in my heart and I always have it when I'm thinking about Louis.


It was the day that I had to leave for Korea. I woke up early and packed all the stuff that I felt like I would need while I was there. I called Louis to come see me before I leave

"When will Louis arrive?" my mom asked me as she was packing some food and snacks for the trip
"Any minute now" I couldn't wait to see him.

When I heard the doorbell ring, I left my mom in the kitchen and ran to open the door.
My heart danced when my eyes met short cute boy standing in front of me with a smile on his face. I hugged him like I didn't see him the day before.
"You smell nice..." I said and pulled back after sniffing his neck one more time. I walked him inside to where my mom was. I held his hand when he was about to greet my mom.

"Hello Miss Nimtawat" he said and bowed politely. My mom was smiling from ear to ear and went to hug him.
"Sweetie, you can call me Ma, no need to be so polite" I was just looking at them and I felt like my heart was full. 

We had breakfast together and talked a lot. When it was time to say goodbye, my mom left us in my room to be alone.
"I'll miss you..." I said while holding his hands
"It's just two weeks, you'll be back in no time" he said while smiling. He was smiling a lot, more that usual. 
"I have something for you" he took something out of his tote bag and gave it to me. It was in a paper bag so I took it out of it and it was his t-shirt. It had two bears on it and it was so cute. I looked at Louis and he took the t-shirt and placed it closer to my nose. I smelled it and my eyes were wide open. It smelled just like him. I took the shirt out of his hands and smelled it more.

"Just in case you really miss me" I hugged him and we both fell on the bed so that I was on top of him. I looked him in the eyes and caressed his cheek. I wanted to give him a peck but he was faster. His hand was around my neck and he lifted his head. I felt the peck on my lips before he quickly laid back. I smiled because he looked so cute. 
I took out my phone and opened camera.

"What? You want to take a picture? " he asked me and I nodded. 
I put my head on his chest and raised the phone up in the air. We took a few pictures and then I put my phone down and continued hugging him.
"What will you do if you miss me?" I asked Louis and sat up. He shrugged his shoulders as he sat up next to me. I stood up and went around my room. My eyes stopped when they landed on something that was next to my desk. I took a big white canvas and stood in front of Louis while he was sitting on my bed.

"I've been wanting to give you this for a while now..." I started "... if you feel like it...paint something..." I could see sparkles in his eyes.
I placed my had behind his neck and leaned towards him. We kissed for a few seconds before I slowly pulled away.
Then, I heard my moms voice, saying that it was time. I took the canvas in one hand and in other I held Louis's hand. 
The taxi for Louis arrived and ,when he placed the canvas in the back, he said goodbye to my mother. He then turned to me and he had tears in his eyes.
"Stay safe, okay? Eat well and don't get sick. I'll wait for you" we hugged for another few seconds.

I was holding back my tears as the taxi was driving away. I felt so attached to him that I didn't even want to be away from him. I turned around to face my mom and she was smiling.
"I can see how much you love him..."
"Love him?? I love him?"  I thought. My heart started beating faster and a smile appeared on my face
"Yeah..." I responded and we both went in to get our bags.
 I was thinking about Louis the whole time, even when we were on the plain. I just couldn't get him out of my head...that's love, isn't it?


We landed safely in Korea, so I texted Louis that everything was fine and that I'll call him as soon as possible. 
Me and my mom checked in a hotel and we went to our room. She booked a pretty expensive room so that we could both have a bedroom for ourselves. 
"You can rest a little bit and then we'll head out if you want to" she told me and went to her bedroom. 
I was excited to spend time in Korea with my mom, I could spend more time with her and that made me really happy. Despite being away from Louis, I wanted to enjoy my time here, try new things, buy a lot of stuff, go hiking and enjoy the sights. 

I laid down on the bed and called Louis. We talked only for a few minutes because he said that he's going somewhere with his father and step-mother. After that I just took a nap before I went out with my mom.

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