Chapter 13 : "Overthinking"

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I called Eunseo during the rest of the summer break just to see how she was doing. She said that she'll come visit Thailand soon and that she can't wait to see me. I was a little bit confused because I don't know her that well, but she sounded so happy to hear my voice over the phone. It's not like I wasn't happy to hear her voice and chat with her a bit but I just felt a bit weird.
I told Louis about her and he thought that she's nice and that it's nice to have a friend who's not from our country.


"Do you want me to make dinner?" Louis asked me while he was making some fresh orange juice.
"It's okay, I can make something" I stood up from the couch and went up to him. My arms were around his waist, his hands were close to my chest but they weren't touching me, probably because he didn't want me to get any orange juice eon my shirt.
"I need to wash my hands Neo" he laughed as I buried my head in his neck and softly kissed him.
I lifted my head and took his hands. They smelled like oranges, I kissed them over and over again, while Louis was giggling and trying to push me away. Then our eyes met. He was looking at me with his big doe eyes. I leaned closer and kissed him on the lips. His lips tasted different. They never tasted like this. It wasn't the juice, it was something else.
He backed away to catch a breath, but before pushing me away completely he kissed me on the cheek and went to wash his hands. My eyes were following his every move until he stopped and looked at me.
"Will you start doing something or just stand there?" he came back closer to me and gave me a short kiss on the lips before going to the living room
"If you need help just call me" he said while walking away. I started making some pasta for dinner and honestly there is nothing better than making food for your loved ones.
Once I finished I called Louis over and he sat on a chair waiting for food excitedly.
"Will your mom be joining us?" he asked
"Yes, she'll be home any minute now" smile appeared on my face as I placed pasta in front of Louis. Then my eyes moved to the door as my mom walked in.
"Hi kids!" she rushed to the toilet to was her hands and came back to eat.
"I'm starving" she said and started eating right away.
The three of us had a nice dinner before me and Louis went out for a walk. It was around 9pm but the sky was still slightly bright. We were walking down the street towards the park where we usually go. Our hands were touching but I didn't hold his hand because there were people around us and I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.
"Let's sit there" he pointed at the tree so we both went and sat under it. We were just chilling there until it got dark.
"Do you want to go somewhere tomorrow?" he turned to look at me and smiled
"Maybe the beach?" I answered. He stood up and and reached out his to help me stand up. I took his hand and got up but once I wanted to let go, he tightened his grip and looked at me confused
"Do you not want to hold hands with me?" his eyebrows were now furrowed
"I want to! It's just that I don't want to make you uncomfortable " I said and looked at our hands
"Oh please shut up" he started swinging our hands while walking with a smile on his face.
We went back home but continued sitting outside. I went in the house to grab something and went back to sit next to Louis on the stairs.
"Is Ma asleep?" I just nodded to his question
"She must be tired" I looked at the thing that I just went inside to get that was now behind me.
"Oh I have something for you." Before I could say all I wanted to say, Louis interrupted me and made a tsk sound.
"We had this conversation before Neo, you don't need to get me anything. I told you I don't want you to get me stuff. I don't want to be a burden to you, It's more than enough that you gave me a place to stay. I hate you because you always give me more than I deserve and I just -"

I was just listening to him complaining but I couldn't help but smile. I grabbed his cheeks and squished them. I placed a kiss on his lips and laughed.
"Can you shut up? Like damn boy, you can't even let me say what I want to say" he removed my hands and looked at me angrily.
"Okay, but if it's something to expensive or something like that I won't take it..." I rolled my eyes and took his hand
"Remember last year when we were at the park and I asked you what you wanted for your birthday? Well, I'm sorry that after that I didn't celebrate it with you. I wanted to give you this" I pulled out a sketchbook and gave it to him. His eyes were sparkling as he was looking at the sketchbook.
"I hope I'll never miss your birthday ever again..." after he heard that, he hugged me so tight I could actually feel his heartbeat
"Thank you Neo, you have no idea how much you mean to me" we moved away and he continued going through the sketchbook.
"I'm glad you like it"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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