Chapter 3

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"The last time I went to Greenwind was, I think... about three years ago?" on their way to the Western Kingdom, Sophia reminisces about the good times. "It wasn't the most pleasant memory since the King and Queen passed away, leaving Damon to be in charge at a young age." she heaves a sigh remembering the tough times.

Unfortunately, the Western Kingdom, Greenwind, lost its King and Queen three years ago in a tragic accident. Everyone mourned them. No one saw it coming nor expected them to leave so soon. They were kind to their Kingdom and their people. The rightful heir would be their eldest son, Damon. Even though he wasn't ready to rule so soon, he took his place with pride and honor to make his parents proud.

"Twenty-one is a young age to rule?" Tyler questioned her. "You make it sound like he was ten!"

Sophia rolls her eye. "I just meant he wasn't expecting to take care of an entire Kingdom at that age. I mean, he's Eric's age, and I can't see him as a King now!"

Sophia and the Princes of Greenwind are old childhood friends. Damon and Ren, the first and second Princes of Greenwind, are like brothers to her. Even though Ren is younger, she is closer to him than Damon, especially since he is always busy. She gets along with Ren better, and they understand each other better, both of them having that hunger for adventure!

Prince Ren Grey is a free-spirited, energetic, and curious young Prince. Usually, these traits would be suitable for a growing Prince, but Ren takes them to a whole different level... His energy never seems to die down, like he is always on a sugar rush, only for his free-spirited nature to mix with his curiosity and have him explore every area he can. Whether he is allowed to or not. His parents had trouble keeping an eye on him, and now Damon is suffering more... Hence, he assigned two aides to him.

However, he was earnest when he was done having fun and it was time to work. Part of his seriousness is to prove to his older brother that he is capable; Ren would give anything to get his brother's approval. He is his role model, after all. On quiet nights he wishes his brother would show his caring side to him more often; since he worries about him too much when he is out, Damon tends to act recklessly sometimes.

The secret he doesn't tell everyone is that he prefers to learn about his Kingdom and its people from the streets. He likes to mix himself with the working people and see how their everyday life is. It is not a preferred strategy, but he always seems to know how to escape and get on the streets again.

The people of Greenwind, their majority, have light characteristics. The Grey family is one of them. Not as light as his brother, Ren has short straight dirty blonde hair. He used to find it weird when he was little because of the difference between him and Damon. Even his eyes are the sharpest green color in the Kingdom; they shine right through. Some people would say, 'the Spring season, the green of nature is in his eyes'; some believed that was a sign of Ren being a true prince of Greenwind, eyes as green as its Kingdom! One thing he does have in common is his light skin. Of course, since he is always on his escapades, it's not as pale anymore, but not as sun-kissed as the people of Whitestone or the people of Bluesand!

If there is one thing Ren would like to change or hope it would change with time, it is his height. Damon being a tall guy, Ren hopes he will be as tall as his brother; of course, he wouldn't mind growing taller, but he isn't setting his hopes too high for now. Ren is only eighteen, so he still has time to grow and catch up. He still trains every day, hoping it will help him grow strong. He heard a rumor saying the more he trains, the taller he will get. However... that could have been Nikki trying to push him to work harder in her own way. The people still love their young Prince and how serious he can be about their well-being.

"Prince Damon has already been crowned King?" Valerie finally joins the conversation.

"Well, no... Once he turns twenty-five, they will officially crown him King. He still acts and deals with everything like a King, just without the title." Damon and the Counsel thought it would be best to have him take up the tasks little by little and teach him everything there is to be a King before he was named one.

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