Chapter 27

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WARNING: This chapter contains acts of Violence and Sexual Abuse. You have been warned!


Sophia didn't get a wink of sleep. This time without the help of the biting, her experience was more than enough to keep her up and replay it repeatedly all night.

When she felt him move next to her, she moved to her side to avoid eye contact. Today would mark the third day she had been here; she kept wondering how much longer until they found her.

With each passing moment, she is starting to believe they won't be coming for her after all.

"Good morning, Precious." he greets her with a kiss, making her whip her head away.

"Haven't you had enough?" she asks with a raspy voice.

"I could never get enough of you. Yesterday was barely anything." the Captain snickers at her question. "Don't worry, I will just give my men a few orders and be right back to continue where we stopped." he kisses her again and leaves the room.

Sophia takes a moment to collect her thoughts and tries for a plan B. She tried to cut the rope with the dagger, but they were too tight for her to be comfortable pulling out the dagger. She needed to loosen them up a bit.

She walks over to the window and sees the shadow of a man standing there; her escape route is still blocked. If she went out from the main door, she would have to face a lot of people. She knows she doesn't have the energy or the strength to fight all of them.

She walked over to her corner and started moving her hands behind her back, trying to loosen up the rope. Hissing whenever she felt the burn of friction on her skin.

An hour later, the door opens again, and her nightmare walks back in. "Why do you keep sitting there? I'm sure the bed is better." he walks up to her and pulls her up on her feet.

He smirked at her glare; he could see dark circles under her eyes, knowing it was from lack of sleep.

"You have to look after your beauty; your body is begging you for some sleep." he tells her as he drags her to the bed while she tries to fight him.

"I don't care what my body is asking for." she retorts.

"Well, I do. It will soon start asking for me." he pushes Sophia onto the bed and climbs on top of her.

"It's still daylight outside! Don't do this!" she tries to move away, but he has her caged between his arms and legs.

"Are we shy? That's cute. My men would love to hear your voice as you enjoy everything I do to you." he smirks again and leans down to her ear. Grabbing her earlobe with his teeth.

Sophia remembered that he said he would do this all day and all night, but she didn't think he was serious. The rope hasn't been loosened enough yet; she doesn't have a grip on the dagger.

"You still smell amazing; I could just sniff you all day." he whispers to her, moving down her neck. "Should we add another one?"

"Don't. Stop." Sophia tries to cover her neck.

"I have an idea; every time you refuse me, I'll add another love bite. How does that sound?" he lifts an eyebrow while looking down at her.

This was a trap; she knew it. If she refuses, he keeps marking her. If she doesn't, he will take it as acceptance and just continue and probably do worse things.

"That's crazy! I don't win in any of these situations." she tries to reason with him.

"Of course you do! You win at feeling the pleasure I am going to give you." he moves back to her neck, goes for another spot than last night, and begins his process.

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