Bar love - Andy Biersack

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"You are such a disappointment!" My mom screamed at me. I looked at her in shock, my eyes welling up with tears. I tried to speak but nothing came out. "Your nothing to us, your dead to me and your mom." My dad added with venom dripping in his voice. I looked at my dad and then to my mom again. "Then you should've thought about what having a kid would mean...responsibility and love which is something you guys never had." I said before walking over to the front door.

"And where do you think your going?" My mom questioned leaning against the wall with her eyebrow raised. I looked at her and narrowed my eyes at her. "Somewhere far away from here for the night." I stated before opening the front door and leaving the house. I closed the door behind me and walked down the driveway.

I honestly shouldn't be surprised, me and my parents have fights all the time and it would always result in me leaving the house and going to my thinking place....the bar but they don't need to know that. This fight in particular was really bad since they never confidently told me that they thought of me in such a bad way. It really made my heart break.

(Time skip to the bar)

I walked into the bar and was instantly greeted by the strong smell of booze and drunk men and women all over the place. I walked over to the bar area and sat on one of the stools. The bartender who already knew me since I came here a lot smiled at me. "Hey what's up emo girl." He greeted walking over to me, throwing his white table cloth on his shoulder. "Hey booze boy." I greeted back smirking.

His name was Mathew and he was a really chill guy. We weren't close but we also understood each other in a sense. He knew that every time I went to the bar it usually meant shit went down aka family problems so he makes extra strong drinks for me. Sometimes I would go to the bar for fun but the only difference was I brought my friends along if I wanted fun.

"So your mom and dad again I'm assuming?" He asked knowingly. I nodded. He sent me a small smile. "Well I'm also assuming you want a extra strong drink?" He predicted. "You know me too well Mat." I replied shaking my head. He snickered and worked on my drink.

A guy with black teased hair walked over to where I was sitting and sat down on the stool next to me. He also had a lip piercing which I found pretty cool. He looked at me confused. "Hey, what's a pretty girl like yourself doing alone at a bar? Have you ever heard of perverts and creeps?" He asked. I smirked at him. "Yes I have otherwise I wouldn't be carrying this." I remarked pulling out my pocket knife from my Misfits jacket. He looked at the knife and then at me with a amused look. "I'm not that dumb." I stated. "I never said you were." He replied shaking his head and looking at Matthew who was finished with my drink.

"Well here you go emo girl and enjoy, if you need more just wave me down." Matthew said winking at me before walking over to other people who were waiting to be served. I took the beer bottle and started drinking it. "Well, I Never got your name." The guy said looking at me again. I stopped drinking the beer and set it down. I looked at him and smiled. "Y/N." I replied. He smirked. "That's a beautiful name, mines Andy." He replied before taking a sip of his beer. I admired his features and style, he was really attractive I have to admit. "Well thanks...Andy." I said. He stopped drinking his beer and set on it on the table.

"What brings you to the bar tonight?" Andy asked, looking at me with curious eyes. My eyes wandered on his face for a moment before I looked at the beer bottle in front of me. "Ah, family problems you know the drill." I replied sighing. Andy nodded in understanding. "That sucks." He remarked. I snorted. "No shit Sherlock." I said. He laughed. "Your cool Y/N, is there any way I can get your number?" He asked me. I looked at him and smiled. "Why not, you seem cool yourself." I replied grabbing his hand and a random pen. I wrote my number on the palm of his hand and smiled a bit. Maybe this is my chance at finding the love I never thought was real but I doubt it, he's probably going to leave just like the other guys and girls do.

"Thanks Y/N, now tell me about yourself." Andy suggested. I looked at him and nodded. "I'm not that interesting but I like rock bands like Motley Crue, kiss, Queen and so on." I replied. "Your definitely the best girl I've met." He stated grinning. I looked at him and blushed. "Well...thanks." I said quietly. Little did I know that this random guy named Andy who I met at the bar would later become the love of my life and my husband.

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