Chapter 4: Chances

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Enid wakes up before Wednesday, only getting two hours of sleep. She finds herself staring at her roommate for quite sometime after snapping out of it. She goes to grab her uniform to get ready for the day but stumbles upon the calendar she left hanging up.

'November 11th - Homecoming' was marked on her calendar. Completely forgetting about this and only having a week to prepare, she panics. Not having a date or dress yet. The blonde werewolf calms herself down and tells herself 'One week is enough to find a date and a dress, right?'

She eventually goes into her bathroom, realizing she had left her shampoo in Wednesday's bathroom the day before. She quietly goes to her bathroom and grabs the shampoo, sneaking out of there as like nothing happened.

As she tries and shut the door, she's surprised that Wednesday is awoken. "What are you doing Sinclair?" The psychic asks half-awake.

"I forgot I left my shampoo in your bathroom." She quickly responded. She hurriedly grabs her towel and uniform again and heads over to her own bathroom.

Wednesday goes to Enid's side of the room, trying to find if she has any spare shampoos because she also needed to shower, but she also stumbles across the marked calendar. "A dance? Only a week left, might as well not go due to not having a dress nor a date." She goes and whispers to herself. She continues to snoop around Enid's things, finding nothing but a mess of papers and nail polish.

Enid eventually gets out of the bathroom, all in uniform and her hair still a bit wet. "What are you doing snooping around?" Wednesday gets caught. "I was looking if you had any spare shampoos, I'm going to buy one later, I just need an alternative for now." Wednesday states. Enid goes back in her bathroom, coming out with her shampoo and gives it to Wednesday.

Wednesday goes back to her side. Grabbing everything she needs for a shower, then stepping into her bathroom. "Wednesday! I'm going to go out! Text me if you need anything!" Enid shouts, loud enough for Wednesday to hear in the bathroom. "Okay!" Wednesday shouts back.

Enid grabs her phone and keys, she heads out of the dorm room planning to go to Jericho, as she didn't have any classes in the morning. She stops by the Weathervane to get some breakfast before going to the clothing store. As she approaches the Weathervane, she sees Xavier, approaching her as well.

She stops and wait for Xavier, sensing that he was coming to her. "Hey Enid!" Xavier yells out for Enid to hear. "Hi Xavier! Wanna get some breakfast with me?" She offers to the Artist. "I would love to." And he agrees.

They both order their food and sit down to the nearest booth to the entrance. "So, Enid. You're Wednesday's roommate right?" He asks. "Uh, yeah!" getting a warm feeling on her face as her roommate was mentioned. "Cool, cool. You got a date yet? You know for the dance." Xavier asks all of a sudden. "No, not yet, nor do I have a dress." The lycanthrope say with a sad tone.

"Well, I don't have one too. Wanna go with me to the dance?" Xavier asks. Feeling confident that he gets to ask his crush on a date to the school dance. Enid felt nervous. Her and Xavier weren't close at all, and all of a sudden he asks her to the dance.

"I'll think about it" Enid answers with a warm smile, not wanting to make Xavier feel bad at this moment. Xavier smiles back. Their food arrives, they eat as well as they talk about their classes, getting carried away and forgetting about going dress shopping.

Meanwhile with Wednesday, Thing approaches Wednesday. "You want to ask her to the dance don't you?" Thing signs. "It's better if I don't go, she might go with someone else." Wednesday answers flatly, she glares at Thing, causing him to crawl away.

Wednesday hears a set of keys jangling to open the door. She sees Enid and Xavier, giggling as Xavier leaves and waves to Enid. Enid waves back, smiling.

"What was that about?" The irritation came back to Wednesday, not experiencing this in a while now. Thing comes out of hiding. "Well, Xavier asked me to the school dance! I'm thinking about coming with him, I just need a dress." Enid gets excited, since while they were eating, they really opened up to each other.

Wednesday sees Thing, she turns her eye to him, Enid not noticing. "This is your chance." The hand signs at Wednesday. "E— Enid." Wednesday starts stammering, a feeling in her stomach arrises, this is the first time she's had felt this. "Will you, go to the da— dance, with me?" The psychic was red as a lobster, shaking and stammering as she tried to spit out the question. Enid turned pink, her gloomy, cold, death-loving roommate, asked her to a dance? It was like seeing a blue moon.

"Re— Really?" Enid stammers as well, choking on her words. Wednesday turns to Thing, asking for help, Thing crawls away quickly. "Yes. Enid, will you come to the dance with me."

"Of course I'd love to Wednesday." Enid agrees and tries to hug her roommate. Wanting to resist, she can't, and gives in, but not hugging back.

"Now, Wednesday. Would you like, to go dress shopping with me!" Enid's excite spikes up after her roommate invites her to the dance. "No." is the cold response of her roommate. "You can go with Thin and get us both dresses, remember, only black, no strapless, no spaghetti straps. Got that?" The psychic describes what she does not want for her dress while Thing once again gets out of hiding.

"Well I'm sure Thing knows what you would want." Enid says as she grabs Thing and puts her on her shoulder, "We're gonna get going now, see ya Wends!" And they leave the room.

Wednesday goes to her desk, starts writing on her typewriter, looks back to the calendar, remembering the date of the dance, and turns back to continue writing.

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