Chapter 6: May I have this dance?

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The day finally arrived.

The time was six AM, Wednesday woke up early, way early before Enid. It was an accident to wake up this early, but since she couldn't go back to sleep, she went ahead and got up.

Last night was a mess, Wednesday barely got any sleep, thinking about how she wants this day to be perfect, this might be the only chance she gets to go on a dance with her roommate who she exquisitely admired.

Wednesday gets ready, about to head out but she catches herself staring at her werewolf. Her hair, her face, everything about her was perfect to Wednesday. Before she could get carried away she went out the door. As she walks down the stairs, Yoko approaches her. "Wednesday Addams. You going to the dance?" Yoko questions. "I never thought I would say this, but yes. I am going to the homecoming dance." Wednesday carefully answers. "Holy shit! Wednesday Addams goes to a social event, and it's a dance! So, who are you taking?" The vampire is shocked that this goth girl will be going to a dance. "And ruin the surprise?" Wednesday teasingly adds. Yoko gives her a look with a smirk, knowing she's going to take someone unexpected, since she's not telling.

The time is eight AM, Enid finally wakes up to her surprise, her date is no longer in the room. She doesn't mind, and goes to get ready. She goes out, down the stairs and into the quad where she spots Yoko walking. She runs to her. "Yoko! You watching the Poe Cup later?" Enid queries. "Hell yeah, speaking of later, who you taking to the dance?" Yoko wants to see if her suspicions were right, that Wednesday was taking Enid to the dance. "Well, uhm. It's a surprise." Enid struggles to say, blushing and turning into a blossom pink color. "Hm, okay." Yoko's chances of being right just spiked by a mile, she was excited about this, knowing she has been secretly shipping them since she saw Enid with Wednesday.

The two close friends go to Yoko's room, about to have a manicure session for their dance later. Meanwhile Wednesday goes over to the antique shop.

She enters, goes searching for an item she needs for later, gives up on trying to find it on her own and asks the lady in the front cashier. "Do you sell any corsages?" She asks, keeping a flat tone. "Uh yeah, it's just at the back, aisle eleven I believe." The kind lady answers. Wednesday gives a firm nod and heads over there as quickly as possible and searches for the perfect corsage she's going to give Enid. She keeps rethinking on which one she wants to buy. A black, corsage, with a black rose, gray beads, and a black strap, or a colorful one, with a Pink rose, magenta beads and a pastel strap. She goes for the Black one, not caring if it matches with her outfit or not, she wants everyone to know that she's her date.

Wednesday goes back to their dorm room and opens her drawer to get the black gift box she's been keeping. she puts in the corsage, but hesitates to close it, feeling theres something missing. She goes on her type writer and makes a letter. Once she was done she went and closed it. Tied a ribbon on it and everything, Wednesday wanted this to be perfect, oh but she was not done yet.

Wednesday goes out again, this time going to a flower shop, she buys a set of red, white, and pink roses and tulips. Then turns it into a bouquet for Enid. For the second time she goes back to her dorm, and tries to find a good hiding spot for the gifts she bought. She settled on using her closet.

After watching the Poe Cup, Enid and Yoko went to grab lunch at a local diner that opened recently. It took a twenty-five minute brisk walk to get to Jericho, and another three minutes for them to go to the restaurant. The sit down, the waiter took their order and started chatting. "Alright, enough games Sinclair. Wednesday Addams is taking you to the dance isn't she." Yoko was enough of waiting and needed answers. "Whe— Where did you get that from?" Enid gets embarrassed, how could she have known? She stammered her way to get the sentence out of her mouth. "Earlier I ran into Wednesday and asked her, who her date was going to be. She told me to wait for the dance. Seemed familiar? Then after that when we met at the Quad I asked you the same thing, guess what, you both had the same answers." Yoko explained.

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