chapter 5

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No one pov

* The audience waited a few minutes or so while Danny went backstage. The girl faked a yawn as she said,*

Darla:Well.... it's kind of getting more or less rather late!

Danny: You couldn't be more right!, Hit it Pudge!

* Off to the side, Pudge appeared in a spotlight with a saxophone as the curtains moved aside. The little penguin playing a few notes as he sparked with a small shock.*

Danny:🎶Excuse me ladies and gentlemen if you could be so kind,


*Darla rolled her eyes*

Danny:🎶 Got someone very special here, who's about to speak her mind...

* The curtain rose and... Sawyer threw the curtains back, revealing herself. She pose*

Sawyer:🎶I've got a song to sing

* Danny smiled, his eyes bugging out before he headed over to her, dancing and singing with sawyer *

Sawyer:🎶You don't like my song I'm gonna sing it anyway, I gotta dream in my heart, Yeah!

Sawyer&Danny:🎶Nothing's Gonna Stop us now!

* As they sang, Darla grinned wickedly before slipping out slyly. Throwing open the door backstage, she then grinned at the many switches that were behind the backstage. Darla then, innocent looking, went to a lever, then "accidentally" pushed it up. The curtains then flew up opened, revealing a beautiful Broadway-like set with Woolie playing the piano.*

Sawyer:🎶take 4 to 20 black birds

Sawyer & Danny:🎶and bake them in a pie

Sawyer & Danny:🎶Before you put 'em in the oven, you know they're gonna fly!

Danny:🎶and they'll get ya

* Darla growled in anger at what happened before heading off to find another switch.*

Danny:🎶Said curiosity killed the cat?

Danny:🎶I'm livin' proof that that's a lie

* He ended, his tie flying off.*

* Darla, meanwhile, found another lever then pulled it down. The brilliant set lit up brightly so only the cat's silhouettes are shown while the two continued dancing.*

Sawyer&Danny:🎶Now I'm gonna tell you why!

* Darla's eyes turning into pinpricks as her lower eyelid twitched in anger. Her face drawn.*

Everyanimal:🎶Yeah! Nothing's gonna stop us Nothing's gonna stop us Nothing's gonna stop us now!Nothing's gonna stop us Nothing's gonna stop us Nothing's gonna stop us now!

* The animals all sang, first with Danny, Sawyer, and Pudge, followed by T.W., Cranston, and Frances, and ended by Tille and Wollie joining at the end.*

* As the song was going on, Darla was working back-stage, crawling up a ladder and plucking out colored lightbulbs and tossing them in a box. Grinning down at the unsuspecting animals below as she stood in the rafters, ready to rain down glass on them and ruin the show.*

Sawyer:🎶 And If I wanna dance

Sawyer:🎶I'll dance

Danny: 🎶 She'll dance!

*The girl glared, throwing down the bulbs to try and hit the dancing animals.*

Sawyer:🎶 Just as long, as the law will allow

singing and dancing...."cat's don't dance x keyblade wielder's ocWhere stories live. Discover now