Chapter 7

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No one pov

*With Darla gone, the spotlight was directed fully on the gang. Frances grabbed her partner and was kissing Cranston on the cheek.*

Pudge:Put 'er there!

* Pudge offered the turtle his flipper, the remaining static electrocuting T.W.*

* With her strength, Tillie lifted Woolie up in a hug.*

* sawyer pulling out Danny's list and a pencil from her fur.*

Sawyer: Let's see.. go to premiere. Check. Land a big part. Check. Get the girl? Check.

*sawyer smiled,Danny was surprised then smiled,Danny reach his hand then sawyer hold his hold,they were about to kiss but they were interrupted by Flanigan*

Flanigan: Sweethearts, celebrities, darlings!

* L.B. Mammoth Push Flanigan away,brought sawyer and Danny into a hug.*

L.B. Mammoth: Get a picture, boys. These kids will be making history!

*danny and the others smiled,when he noticed that Mariann was standing there smiling *

Mariann pov

*i was so happy to see them achieve there dreams *

Mariann 💭:I guess I don't have to stay here......anymore

*I was about to leave here when suddenly *


*I stop and look at Danny *

Danny:where you going?

*danny ask when the spotlight shine on me*

Mariann:I'm going somewhere safe,so no one will get hurt

Danny:you can't leave here Mari

Mariann:but you know the truth about me and my home,I have to leave or they will attack everyone


*pudge ask in confusion *

Mariann:*sight*we keyblade wielders have an enemy knows as the 'heartless '


Mariann:that's right Tillie,they're after people hearts,the heartless have different forms

Sawyer:there....after people hearts

Mariann:yes,the heartless seek and consume the hearts,desire to return the greatest hearts

Tillie:co-co-consume the hearts

*tillie said frightened *

Mariann:which is why,we the keyblade wielders keeping the world safe from any danger

Mariann:that's why I couldn't make in time to warm you,you're town was attack by the heartless

Tillie:is that why you said something went wrong

*I look down* I have to leave.....even tho I lost my keyblade....

Sawyer:wait?lost you're keyblade?what happened?

*I look at them*

Mariann:when you guys left,I lost hope........that's why I can't summon my keyblade anymore,I gave up

*the gang felt sorry for me*

Mariann:but the good news is that the heartless won't attack sometimes

Danny:so that's a good thing

singing and dancing...."cat's don't dance x keyblade wielder's ocKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat