Again (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Part 28/?? of Sean/White/Black doctor story from November. 

Black lead him downstairs, with Sean trailing close behind them. White let his brother set him on the couch, plopping down next to him. He was still a little overwhelmed by the sudden panic attack. The gang with Dan were all sitting around the small table waiting for them. He could barely recognize their faces because his glasses were missing. He must have forgotten them in the tent. 

"Wow, it's almost scary how much you look like Black without glasses." Gram joked. White blinked a few times, trying to focus on the taller's face but failed miserably. He leaned his head against Black's shoulder and closed his eyes instead. 

"You okay?" Black asked. 

"I forgot my glasses upstairs." White pouted, making everyone coo at his cuteness. He felt warmth spreading across his cheek in embarrassment. 

"You don't have to hide your true self with us, White." Gumpa's gentle voice reassured him. 

"Be yourself. No one would judge you here." Gram added. 

"We are here for you if you need us." Dan smiled at him. 

"No matter who you are, what you like or dislike. You are precious to us." Sean joined with his speech. White was tearing up. He was never loved like this. It was nice, yet scary at the same time. 

"Did you hear? You are not alone anymore, my baby brother." Black hummed into his hair. 

"Thank you. No one ever said this to me. It's a little bit overwhelming." White managed to stutter, clutching his twin's jacket. 

"Here." White felt a soft poke on his arm. Opening his eyes, he spotted Sean handing him his glasses. He frowned.

"I had them with me," Sean said like it was nothing. 

"Mean." White pouted, taking the glasses from him and placing them back on his nose. 

"You just look cute when you scrunch that tiny nose of yours." Sean shrugged with a grin, leaning back on the sofa. If White could blush more, he would surely do. 

"Stop fucking flirting with my brother, fuckface." Black growled, pulling White's petite body closer to his side. 

"Stop bickering and tell us what you found." Gumpa stopped the upcoming fight, and White couldn't be more grateful. 

"Try not to be so loud. P'Yok needs to sleep." White warned him.

"Our asshole father did come back from Russia. He moved into our old house." Black started. White stiffened upon hearing the news. It was only a matter of time before he had to face that man again, and he didn't know if he was strong enough for that. At least he wasn't alone this time.

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