Risk (Sean/White)

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Author's note: Part 31/?? of Sean/White doctor story. I got a bit carried away. 

"P'Tod." He whispered in shock. How did he find him? White watched the taller male sit across from him, smirking. 

"I feel a little hurt. It looks like you are not happy to see me." Tod touched his chest in, faking the pain. 

"How did you find me?" White stuttered. 

"I have my sources. But you know, honey. I am disappointed you didn't come to say hello to me first." Tod smirked. White trembled when the old nickname slipped out of Tod's mouth. He didn't know it could still affect him this much. 

"So I have to come to greet you myself." 

White's heart was beating fast, and he was sure Black could feel his panic and fear through the bond. He wanted his brother with him and to protect him from their old friend as he used to when they were small. He sinks further into his seat, thinking of how to run away from the office. 

"You are not going to talk to me, honey?" Tod asked, chuckling. 

"Don't tell me you are scared. What lies Black told you?" He shifted in his chair, sliding forward a little to get a better view. White tried to compose himself, thinking of Sean, Yok and Dan outside. They were probably coming up with a plan to get him out. 

"I missed you, White. You were always my favourite twin. The beautiful one." Tod stood up, enjoying the fear in White's eyes. 

"I was sad when you left. I had Black, but it wasn't the same." Tod took a few steps towards White. 

"P'Tod." White managed to mumble. The older male was scaring him. His eyes were settled on him, scanning him from head to toe, the familiar flash of desire radiating from his expression. 

"I didn't tell you how good you look in the medical gown, didn't I?" Tod pointed out. White gulped.

"Thank you?" He attempted to smile at the disgusting compliment. 

"Did father sand you?" White somehow found the strength to ask. The phone in his pocket started to vibrate, and he sighed in relief. He pulled the device out, glancing at the caller, seeing his brother's name. 

"Sorry, P'Tod. I need to take this." He excused himself and picked up the call. 

"White, you okay? I can feel you panicking." Black's erratic blabbering echoed through the speaker, washing his fear away instantly. 

"Okay. No, I am not busy. An old friend comes to say hello to me." White took a risk to inform his brother of the situation. His heart was beating wildly, but he still managed the act. 

"What the fuck is that bitch Tod doing there?" Black growled. 

"I will be right there. Don't worry." White answered, glancing at Tod and sending him an apologetic smile. 

"Where's Sean?" Black asked. 

"You are waiting for me? I will hurry up." White said, lowering the phone as he pretended to end the call. 

"I am sorry, P'Tod. They need me in the other office. I believe you know where the exit is." White stood up and hurried to the door, waiting for the other man to follow him. Tod looked at him suspiciously but didn't comment on the sudden change in White's behaviour. 

"I will stay in touch, honey," Tod said, leaning closer.

"I didn't answer your previous question. I knew you were back as soon as your plane landed on the Thailend's ground and before your father found out you were missing." He chuckled, brushing his lips on White's cheek in the process. 

"See you later, honey." Tod waved his hand before he left the clinic. White's heart was about the jump out of his chest. He vaguely heard his twin's voice coming out of the phone and Sean's figure running to his side, followed by Dan and Yok. He was exhausted and scared, and when the familiar arms wrapped themself around him, enveloping him in the soothing warmth, he let the pent-up frustration out.  

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