Sabotage (Pat/Non)

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Author's note: part 14/?? of Pat/Non story. 

The first month of 2023 is behind us. Thank you for your support. I am happy you still find my work amusing and readable. Let's meet again in February. 😉💚

The door of Non's room cracked slightly even though Pat tried to be as careful as possible. He peeked through the small gap, hoping he didn't wake the younger. When he was sure Non was still asleep, he walked inside and sat quietly beside his bed. The young boy looked peaceful. Pat held Non's hand, intertwining their fingers. A smile formed on his face as he realized how perfectly their palms fit together. A small move from Non caught his attention, and soon after boy's eyes slowly opened. He blinked a few times, probably trying to adjust his sleepy vision. Their gazes met, and Pat sent an assuring smile to him. 

"P'Pat." Non whispered, making his heart skip a beat. His name coming out of Non's full lips sounded so good. 

"I am here." He squeezed the tiny hand reassuringly. 

"Sleep more," Pat added. Non shook his head, trying to sit up, but Pat held him down.

"You need to sleep more."

Non was looking at him, silent tears forming in his eyes. Pat felt horrible seeing him like this. 

"I will still be here when you wake up." He caressed Non's pale cheek. He watched the pretty boy nuzzle closer to his palm, seeking comfort. 

"Stay here." Non mumbled, looking straight into his eyes. 

"I am here." 

"No, here." Non shuffled to the side, making a space on the bed. Pat was confused for a moment before he realized what the smaller meant. 

"Are you sure?" There was a moment of silence, and Pat thought Non must have reconsidered.

"Yes." The whisper was so quiet Pat almost missed it. He smiled happily at the younger, letting go of his hand and face. Toeing off his shoes and lifting the duvet, Pat looked one more time at Non. The patient was waiting silently for him to slide into the bed. And, so he did. There was no hesitation this time. Pat pulled Non's thin body against him, lying the m comfortably on the mattress and covering them with a hospital blanket. His heart was beating erratically as Non snuggled to his chest. It was surreal to have his crush so near, feeling his body against his own.

"Sleep." Pat gently commanded, kissing the top of Non's head. The young lad sighed and closed his eyes instantly. Pat tightened the hold on the petite body, pulling him even closer protectively. He won't let anyone sabotage their happiness again. 

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