1| The Other Pack |1

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(K A N I N ' S P.O.V)
I was flying in the air with my pack, every now and then I checked to make sure everyone was still there. I was right next to the alpha of our pack, my father. Although I wasn't the alpha, I was still next in line for alpha and I got the same respect as he did, and although I acted like I didn't care. I LOVE BEING THE ALPHA! I just love everything about it, besides the alpha thing I love being in my pack, my life is always so thrilling. Every day it's something new, exploring, tracking, fighting, small things in the world that others dragons wouldn't even care about.

We landed at our usual island as my dad, tapulico(tap-oo-li-co) lead us to a trail we usually take to hunt, "alright everyone, roar if you find the tracks of the deer herd." Everyone split into groups and went to look for the tracks of deer and try and smell them. I went with my father and my mother, I looked for deer tracks as I put my head to the floor of the woods, it was kinda hard to see with the trees covering the sun, but I managed to see the small details in the leaves and the sticks on the ground quite well, when I lifted my head I was my dad and my mom sniffing for some sort of marker from a deer.

I smelled a weird smell, it smelled familiar yet not familiar, I think it was another pack's scent. "Dad!" I yelled as my father rushed over to me, "what is it Kanin?" He sniffed around and I watched as his pupils turned into slits, "jacona!" (Ja-co-nah) He called to my mother as she rushed over and repeated what my dad did. "Ugh, it's moonshade pack." She growled a low growl, "come on, let's head back to the dens" said my father as he made the call to round everyone up, we then headed to the dens.

I woke up late in the night to get a quick drink, but as I was leaving my den I heard my dad talking to my mom. "But it doesn't matter what pack it is, a pack on our island is not good news, no one could find the deer today, and that proves that this is bad news." My dad said with a low voice, /how am I supposed to sneak past them?/ my mother has very good hearing and my father has a very good nose. I guess I'll just be put to the test with this, /or maybe I just shouldn't get a drink....nah/  I stood on my toes and lifted my wings and tail to make close to no noise.

I tip-toed towards the pond as I stared back at my parents, /please don't see me, please don't see me, please don't see me/ I repeated this thought in my head as I slowly made my way to the pond, that scent from earlier got stronger and stronger, whoever or whatever is making this scent must've been near the pond before I came. When I got there the scent was so strong, I could've sworn they were right there, but I just got a drink and repeated my process, then I layed down in my den, curling my tail around my body as I closed my eyes, wondering what we would do tomorrow. 

In the morning, I woke up with a disgusting taste in my mouth. /Have I been asleep for 5 years, jeez/ my eyes were all crusty and my vision was foggy, I rubbed my eyes as the sun shone in my direction. "Come on son, get up. We have a full day of tracking if we want to catch the herd of caddle." /cows? Around here?/ something here was suspicious to me, but I'm tired so whatever. I got up slowly as I pulled the weight of my body, "I just need a drink real quickly." I walked over to the pond and took a long drink.

While drinking I smelled that weird scent again, and I felt as if some-dragon was watching me. I stared around, and when I didn't see anything I rose my head from the water, my muzzle was dripping as I shook to dry off. I walked over to my father, And saw the entire pack with him, I put two and two together and realized we were about to fly, I stretched my wings as I felt the warm breeze on my face, I smiled as I saw my dad take into the air, others following him.

I took into the sky, I was off valence at first /I wish I woke up earlier so I wasn't so tired./I flew to my dad and staring at him, waiting for him to stare back. When he didn't stare back I was getting annoyed, and I'm pretty impatient so I roared softly, it sounded more like a growl but either way he snapped his neck and looked at me, dead in the eye with this annoyed? Angry?, whatever face, I saw his nose scrunch as he let out a low growl, /I definitely messed up/

"What is it?" He asked in a angry voice, "I..just wanted to ask why we are flying so far for cow?" He looked at me like I was stupid. "I know you have smelled the other pack." He stopped for a second, then went on, "we need to get away for a while." Its a good thing night fury's can go a while without any food, otherwise the whole pack would be very annoyed and hungry "oh- I see, thanks father" I said in a respectful manner, as I slowed down a bit, I was now at his back feet. I just wandered why we are so scared of a pack in out territory, and in my opinion, we shouldn't be scared. My dad is just being paranoid that we won't have any deer, but I doubt that, then I smelled that smell again. /okay something is up./

I knew that something was up, someone was following me- or the pack. I looked around as I thought I spotted something dark in the clouds of the distance, but I blinked and it was gone. I looked around desperately in hopes of tracking down this other dragon and seeing why they are following and watching me- or the pack, with way all this thinking is making me dizzy, I just need to focus on flying before I crash into something- or someone.

We have been flying for a while and we still haven't made any sort of stop, or rest since we started. I went to my father face again, "dad? The pack is getting tired and I think we should rest." I stared at him with a tired face. I was still tired from this morning surprisingly. Everyone else also seemed to be tired, even my dad, and he has a lot of stamina and energy when he's had a good night of rest, which is at average 6-10 hours, any longer and he will sleep the entire day heh.

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