4/ Healing Wounds \4

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(L A N A' S P.O.V)

I layed down, I'm in a LOT of pain and I would rather just rest for now. I closed my eyes and dreamt of a world were I didn't have to be here with this male, a world where I was free, and I had no tail-fin problems, I wished that I could stay in that dream forever but sadly I can't. I slowly opened my eyes, realizing it was morning again. I raised my head and sniffed in the air, I smelled sheep. I got up, still in pain for some reason and tried my best to make it to the food smell.

When I found the source of the smell, it was him, that same male that I had saw a while ago. /ugh, I can't believe that stupid male got his pack to shoot at me, then turned around and acted like he cared to help me./ I stood, looking at him as my pupils turned into slits, I stalked lowly in the grass as I got ready to pounce. When I pounced, I felt a sudden rush of pain come to me, I let out a painful roar, as I fell quickly and he turned to see me.

"Oh my fury, Are you okay?!" He exclaimed, running towards me. I growled before he got to close "I'm fine!" I roared, I can't let him know I'm wounded. "Oh, don't be so modest, now come here." He pulled me closer to him as he showed me to some berries. I blushed as he pulled me closer "th-thanks" I smiled, trying to stop my blushing /pull yourself together Lana!/

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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