3/ I see you. \3

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(K A N I N ' S P.O.V)
(TimeLine- Later that night from chap. 2)

I tried to sleep but I couldn't, I smelled that weird smell again and I couldn't stop myself from following it. I sniffed the ground as I ever so often looked up, when I found the "source" of the smell, I looked around until I saw a pair of eyes floating. /What the?-/ I thought. It didn't compute to me that it would be a nightfury.

I stared closer as the details of their face and body came to my eyes, I stared and noticed their many details. Their pupils were slits as they stared at me. /Should I be attacking right now?/ I questioned myself. We walked around in circles for a while then she suddenly stopped and her pupils turned into the normal size as she sat down.

"Uhh...who are you?.." I said with a confused face, "lana" she said with a slight smile "I-ive never seen you around here before" I saw her face turn to shock then come back to normal. She smiled, "I'm new to the island, I'm from the hidden world" she said suspiciously..but she's probably never been outside the hidden world and is nervous, I've been there before heh.

I stared into her huge, blue, pretty eyes../Shes..pretty for a female from another pack/ she's definitely not from here, I can smell it on her. I admired her for a moment then got back on track, "well, welcome to the island! I'll have to introduce you to my dad-" I got cut off by her "No! It's fine, I'm just about to Uhh...leave anyways" /okay something here is suspicious../

She tried to fly but I caught her with a roar, "wait! Don't go!" She stopped in the middle of her flight and turned slowly to face me. "There! Fire!" I heard in the distance and all the sudden she was getting shot at with plasma blasts she fell down to the ground quickly and I started running towards her as fast as I can, I heard and smelled my pack going after her too.

I felt a rush of adrenaline hit me and I finally found her, she was laying in pain /She took a lot of blasts/ I felt sad for her even though I've barely met her yet I feel so connected to her. All of the sudden I had an idea, I grabbed her to my best of my ability, then flapped my wings aggressively as I slowly lifted off the ground. /I just need to get to the clouds/ I flew in random patterns in order to make it harder for my pack to spot me.

When I reached the clouds, I gathered what energy I had left and let out a roar, lightning surrounded me and Lana as the reflection in our scales made us invisible to others, I glid to a nearby island edge and landed softly, I placed Lana down quickly /shes kinda heavy/ I made sure she was breathing then proceeded to do many shananagins to wake her. I shook her, quietly roared in her ear, smacked her lightly, splashed water on her, I did many things, but she only woke up when I gave up. Her pupils turned into slits as she stared at me, her head rising quickly.

She tried to get up but fell in pain with a painful noise. /honestly I felt the pain with that roar/ she turned to me, "What did you do!?" She roared at me, /Wait- oh she probably thinks I did that attack/ "you got it all wrong there, I didn't do that." She scoffed "well your little pack did." She made her tail fin cover her head but as she tried to open it it wouldn't open I tilted my head /what the heck?/ she had a worried expression then tried to stand again.
I could tell she was in a lot of pain, but without saying anything she hobbled away from me, into the forest. "Uh- where are you going?" I jumped to her side, "To..G-et some-th-ing." /jeez, they really got her good/I stared at the bruises on her wings and legs as she hobbled, then she stopped at a tree. She shook the tree and these weird berries came off it, she ate a few then checked on her tail fin. It worked again "so what's up with your tail?" I said, tilting my head as she looked back at me slowly. She had tears in her eyes but she managed to say a word or two. "Ta-il di-seas-e" /at least she tried/

I helped her to a nice grassy spot that's hidden, and then hid her scent with mud and leaves."lay, rest, NOW" I commanded her /she better not move again or else, she's already too hurt as it is/ she rolled her eyes at me then layed down, I ran off to get food for her.

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