Chapter 1

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Dani's POV

Hi my name is Dani and my life is pretty crazy at times. I'm 28 years old and my two best friends are mgk and Slim. We have been friends since high school, after high school we kinda drifted apart. I attempted college but ended up dropping out. After dropping out of high school I moved to California and that is where I reconnected with cols and slim. We all have lived together since and we met this new guy name jp but we call him rook. Now I'm best friends with all of them. 

I also don't go on tour with cols very much just because that would be a lot. I will admit I have been to jail several times but it was always for the stupid shit I was doing. My parents never understood why I was acting the way I was. They always thought it was because of cols and slim being bad influences on me. Growing up I never had to worry about anything my parents are extremely successful doctors so they expect me to be one to. I hated growing up that way that's why I got along well with cols and slim is because they seen me for me. I never accepted money from my parents and I never followed their rules either. I would always sneak out to go to parties with the boys or go get high in the high school parking lot. My parents though grounding me would keep from sneaking out but it never worked. I would still always sneak out and I guess your wondering how me and cols are fiends with him being 4 years older than me. I met him when I was a junior in high school at one of the parties. Ever since we have been friends he would always supply alcohol and weed for us. 

My first time ever being in jail was when me and cols where out driving one night we got pulled over for speeding and I was underage drinking and my parents thought cols kidnapped me. This was my second offense for underage drinking and the cops hated us so we both got arrested and spent the night in jail. After that night I was always getting into trouble whether it be with the cops or my parents. It seemed like everyday was something new for my parents to get on to me about. So my senior year of high school I stayed at slim's and cols place a lot and was barley ever home. After I graduated and they where off making music I decided to go to college. But sadly college life wasn't for me and I dropped out. You guessed it my parents where furious with me and demanded I move back home immediately. I never went back home instead I went to California and that's where I have been for the past 8 years. I found out my parents actually ended up passing away when I was 24 due to a drunk driver. I was pretty crushed about it so I turned to drinking and smoking everyday to numb the pain. I never told them I loved them and was constantly fighting with them. My last words I said to them was I hate you and never want to see you again. Well that wish came true and that's when my world changed. After losing my parents I fixed my act up and was actually doing something with my life. I work for cols as his assistant some times and other times I'm working on becoming an RN. 

So welcome to my crazy train wreck of a life.

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