Chapter 4

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Dani's Pov

I woke up the next morning and cols was no longer next me. I rolled over to check the time on my phone and it said it was 12:30 in the afternoon. I quickly jumped out of bed and headed downstairs because the boys would be awake by now and I didn't get anything cooked. The boys are pretty much use to seeing me in nothing but sweats and a sports bra so I didn't really care about changing. As I made my way downstairs I heard a lot of talking which means the boys are awake. I really hope they aren't mad at me for not being up in time to get food made. I made my way into the kitchen to see them already eating.

D: Good afternoon guys. Sorry I didn't have food made.
S: Hey girl it's fine Kells made us food this morning. We didn't want to wake you up this morning.
K: Don't worry babygirl I made food for all of us. You kept tossing and turning all night so I let you sleep in today. Also I already checked my schedule and I don't have anything going on today.
D: Umm ok. Sorry I didn't mean to keep you up all night. Also babygirl?
K: Oh sorry it just kinda slipped out. Also you didn't keep me up all night.
S: Hold the fuck up. Kells you slept in Dani's room last night and are calling her babygirl. 
K: Yes Slim get with the program. Also like I said it slipped out. But I do like Dani and wish to be with her but I'm waiting for her to be ready and if she feels the same way about me.
D: You do know I'm standing right here right?
S: Kells just confessed his feelings.
K: I realize your standing there and I don't have a reason to hide my feelings. We all share everything with each other. It's how it's been since we became friends.
R: I'm so confused right now. I leave the kitchen to go to the bathroom and I come back to everyone confessing feelings.
D: Welcome to the party Rookie. 
R; OH shit I didn't even see you standing there.
D: Well this all fun and shit but I'm still tired and just want something to eat and drink. 

After that awkward conversation in the kitchen I grabbed a Gatorade and a quick snack and headed back to my room. Once in my room I turned on teen wolf to start rewatching and laid in bed. As soon as I get comfy cols comes walking right into my room.

K: Hey Dani, can we talk about what just happened downstairs. 
D: Yeah sure. Come sit down.
K: I meant everything I said downstairs. I really do want to be with you.
D: I really want to be with you too. I will admit I have had feelings for since my senior year of high school.
K: Are you serious.
D: Yes I'm serious. 
K: I have felt the same about you since then too. I was just to scared to say anything because you where dead set on going to college.
D: Well I'm no longer in college. 
K: I know that dipshit. But in all seriousness can we give us a try. 
D: I would love to give us a try. I just don't want to ruin our friendship.
K: I don't want to ruin it either. So if things start to get rocky between us we cut off and act like it never happened.
D: I like the sound of that.
K: So Dani will be my girlfriend?
D: Yes cols I would love to be your girlfriend. Now can we just cuddle and watch tv.
K: Of course we can.

We then spent the next few hours watching tv in my room. We all started to get hungry so we made our way back downstairs so I could get dinner started. I decided on making some fried chicken and mash potatoes for dinner with some dinner rolls. I got everything ready and prep, so then I began making dinner. As I was making dinner the boys all decide on playing some video games in the living room. It was nice to just have a some quality family time at home. Dinner didn't take to long to make so once it was done we came and sat at the table to eat. After everyone was finished eating I started to clean up the kitchen but soon was stopped when the boys came in and told me to go to the living room. I didn't fight it, I went to the living room and laid down in my favorite spot on the couch. I had my sweet tea and some popcorn and was just scrolling through tik Tok when suddenly all the boys came in. Cols laid down right next to me and the other two picked their spots on the couch. We put on some movies and just hung out the rest of the night. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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