Chapter 2

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Dani's POV

Once I got up this morning I began my morning routine. I got out of bed and decided to shower and actually get dressed for the day. After my shower I let my hair air dry and put on some ripped black skinny jeans with my white cropped champion shirt. Once I was dressed I headed downstairs and started making some breakfast for myself since the boys won't be up for a while. At least that's what I thought, shortly after finishing making my breakfast the boys all came rushing up from the studio. 

K: Hey Dani did you make breakfast?
D: Yeah for myself.
S: That's not fair we are hungry to.
D: Not my fault I thought you where all still sleeping.
K: Ok fair point. It's ok I'll make us some breakfast boys.
R: Sweet!

So cols started making breakfast for the boys while I sat at the island and starting working on cols schedule for the day and working with my work schedule. I go in tonight at 7pm and don't get off till 7am. Being a RN is sometimes difficult but I wouldn't change it for the world. In ways I feel like I'm making my parents proud because I went into the medical field. Cols, Slim, and Rook all think I need to take it easy but I have been an RN for only a year and I love it kinda. I will admit it has but a lot of stress on me and I miss a lot of time with the boys. But little do the boys know that tonight is my last night working because I put my 2 weeks in 2 weeks ago. I still won't being going on tour very much since they have already started touring they are just home for a few days. Also Cols new girlfriend Megan Fox is on tour with them for a bit and I can't stand her. 

It was later in the evening and it was time for me to head into my last shift.

D: Alright boys I'm headed to work. Don't destroy the house while I'm gone.
K: Girl we would never.
D: Ok sure but I got to go see you later.

Kells Pov

Dani left for work and now it was just us boys at home. We leave to go back on tour and I don't know if we will see Dani before we leave since she gets off at 7am and will want to sleep. I wish she would just quit and become my assistant full time that way we wouldn't have to worry about not seeing her very much. I know she wouldn't go on tour with us very much, we all understand why. After her parents accident the only time she usually drinks is at home and even then sometimes she won't. She went such a rough time after her parents passing that she barley touches alcohol or weed now. That's all she would do is get drunk or high or both for the longest time after her parents passed. Now she has changed which is amazing and we all love seeing her be a RN but it is putting so much stress on her body. 

Megan was coming over later tonight to see me before we left again. She wasn't coming back on tour with us since she has some modeling stuff to handle. Also I'm spending some time with Casie before I go back on the road I miss my girl so much when I'm gone but I know I'm doing it for her. After a few hours Megan and Casie where both here. I was enjoying spending time with both of them when suddenly I heard the front door open. Everyone was in the living room so I got up first and made sure the girls stayed in the living room while I went to check it out. As I rounded the corner I saw something I never expected to see. Dani was covered in blood and looked to be in pain. I wasn't even thinking I rushed to her side immediately and held her in my arms while I screamed. 

K: Someone get help now!
S: Yo man what is going on?
K: Get help Dani is hurt and I don't know where at.
S: Calm down man Rook is on the phone with 9-1-1. 
R: Help is on the way. 
K: Oh man don't let Casie or Megan come in here and see this. It would be a lot for them to see.
M: To late baby we are right here. 
C: Dad what is going on.
K: Casie baby go back to the living room please. Megan take her back to the living room.

After Megan walked Casie back to the living room I sat there and cried. My best friend could be dying in my arms and there is nothing I can do to save her. After what felt like forever I could hear the sirens coming. I couldn't wait for the paramedics to come inside so I met them outside. They immediately put her on a stretcher and load her up. I rode with her to the hospital the boys said they will all meet us at the hospital. Once arriving at the hospital the paramedics rushed her inside she went straight to surgery. I broke down right in the waiting room and one of her friends that is also a nurse came over to me. She looked hurt to.

K: Hey Tay what happened? Are you hurt?
T: A shooting happened at our hospital so they start directing us over here to get help. I'm not hurt this isn't my blood its a patients that got hurt.
K: Oh my god. Why didn't Dani come here?
T: She must not have known she got shot. After the shooting everyone was sent home that wasn't injured. She could have played off that it was someone else's blood and wanted to shower.
K: I can't lose her Tay she has been my best friend for over 10 years. 
T: Trust me I know how you feel. I may not have known her long but she is still my friend and I can't lose her either.

Soon after our conversation the boys and girls showed up. Slim hugged Taylor and so did rook. We spent hours just waiting to find out something about Dani but there was so much going on all around us. Megan ended up having to leave so she took Casie over to Ashleigh's so she could catch her flight in the morning. Megan explained every thing to Ash and she understood. Now leaving for tour is going to be even harder for me. 

After what seemed like forever the doctor came out to us.

DR: Dani's family.
K: That's us.
DR: So she is in critical condition we managed to get the internal bleeding to stop and get all her wounds stitched up. But she is on oxygen since she can't breathe on her own right now. Also she is in a medically induced coma for right now once it wears it off she should come to but if not it will be up to her to determine when she wakes up. 
K: So she will be ok?
DR: Yes unless something changes.
S: Will we be able to see her?
DR: Unfortunately no you won't be able to. She is in the icu and with as many patients we have from the shooting we aren't allowing visitors yet. You should be able to visit tomorrow though.

The doctor then left after giving us this information. I was so heartbroken we had to leave tomorrow and none of us would be able to see her until we got back. If she wakes up while we are gone she will be all alone. 

Dani's crazy lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora