Chapter 3

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2 months later..

Dani's POV

I woke up from what seemed like the longest nap I have ever had. I looked around the room I was in and it was a hospital room. I am so confused on how I ended up here. I remember going home to shower because I was covered in blood. As I look around I see Taylor sleeping next to me so I decide to wake her ass up to tell me what the fuck happened.

D: Taylor wake your bitch ass up now!
T: Oh my god Dani you're awake. Let me go get the doctor.

Before I could say anything else she was out the door. A few minutes late a doctor and nurse came into my room.

DR: Good afternoon Dani. I'm Dr. Bryan and this is nurse Aubrey. How are you feeling?
D: Actually pretty good. 
DR: Well you suffered from some pretty bad injuries 2 months ago and have been in a coma ever since. So I'm going to have the nurse check you over just to make sure everything healed properly and if so you will be good to get out of here.
D: Ok.

After the nurse checked me over I was sent home so I need to text ash and figure out when they are suppose to be home because I really want it to be a surprise.

D: Hey ash when will you guys be home? I want to surprise the boys that I woke up and got sent home.

A: OH my hey girl we will be home tonight. I will make sure to keep them busy.

D: Thanks girl I will see you guys tonight.

I then decide to start cooking dinner and getting some j rolled for everyone. I made sure to have plenty of alcohol ready to go to. I know what your thinking you shouldn't be drinking or getting high as soon as you get out of the hospital but I'm going to. It has been 2 months and the doctor said I was completely healed and could go back to doing normal everyday activities. 

After a few hours dinner was done and I heard the front door open. I heard all the boys yelling and wondering why the house smelt someone made food. As soon as they rounded the corner their bags hit the floor and they where by my side in seconds. Cols still wasn't inside so I was concerned he might have just wanted to stay outside. But all my concerns went away when I seen him round the corner. He didn't waste no time rushing to give me a hug.

K: Dani oh my god your home. Why didn't anyone call us to let us know you woke up or being released from hospital.
D: I asked them not to also I just woke up today and the doctor said I was fully healed and go back to doing everyday activities. 
S: Well we are all happy to have you home.
D: I'm happy to be home. Now let's eat and party.

After eating we all start drinking and getting high. It was like 2 in the morning and I felt someone carrying me to bed. I opened my heavy eyes to see cols carrying me. 

K: Hey Dani close your eyes I got you. I'm taking you to bed we all are headed to bed. 

After that I was out.

The next morning...

I had a massive headache and the banging on the front door wasn't helping at all. I slowly got out of bed and made my way downstairs when Slim and Rook came out of their rooms.

S: Yo girly who is banging on the door?
D: I don't know but they better stop.
R: Whoever it is mad.
D: Well they can wait I'm making me some coffee.
S: I'll get the door.

I trudge my way to the kitchen to make some coffee when the all to familiar voice rang through out the house. Megan was here at 9:45 in the morning yelling and screaming for some fucking reason. I was drinking my coffee while cleaning up the kitchen from last night so I could make breakfast for everyone. 

M: Hey bitch why wasn't I told you where home.
D: Because your not family and last night was a family night.
M: Well I was told that the guys wouldn't be home until today and then I see everyone at home drinking and partying.
D: Again not my problem bitch. Now stop yelling we are all hungover as fuck and I have a headache.

I turned around to keep cleaning when suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

D: Don't fucking touch me!
M: Well I wasn't done talking to you.
D: I don't care you don't fucking touch me.

As I go to turn around to keep cleaning she grabs me again and this time it sets me off. I didn't have any time to say anything before she punched me right in the mouth. I then just started beating the shit out of her I have waited so long to do so.  I suddenly felt arms around me and it was cols pulling  me off of her. 

D: Set me down now!
K: You promise you're not going to keep beating the shit out of her.
D: I promise.
K: Ok now I know what happened I seen it all. Slim take Megan to the bathroom to get cleaned up. I'll clean Dani up.
D: You don't have to. You can go clean your girlfriend up.
K: Nah slims got it. Besides I was ending it with her anyways she kinda blew my phone up all night so I'm done with her clingy ass.
D: Thank god I can't stand her anymore.
K: Also for you, you are not going back to work at the hospital. I almost lost you and I'm not going to almost lose you again. You are going to be my assistant from now on.
D: Damn ok. It was my last day anyways.
K: Are you serious?
D: Yup sure am.

After cols got me all cleaned up he went and talked to Megan. She left pissed, but I didn't care and neither did the boys. We all chilled at the house for most of the day until we got bored and decided to go do something. Which we spent a good 2 hours deciding where to go so we decided  to get food then go do something. After eating we decided to go mini golfing which I beat all the boys. We got home that night and I decided I needed to shower I went upstairs and got undressed to take my shower. I had a bathroom connected to room so I usually don't shut my bathroom. Cols came in and I didn't notice till he came up and wipe my tears that I let slip. I know it has been 2 months since the shooting but I can still see the scars and I hate it. I usually never feel insecure about my body but now I do. 

K: Hey don't cry. I know you don't like how it looks but I think it is beautiful and it tells a story. You survived something extremely fatal. 
D: Really.
K: Yes now get in the shower and stop staring at your body having doubts. 
D: Ok after my shower do you want to watch movies after.
K: Of course.

I took a quick shower then got out. I put on some black nike sweats and a sports bra. I walked out to find cols are comfy on my bed waiting for me. He had snacks and drinks ready to go, he even picked out a horror movie for us to watch. He knew damn well that I didn't like horror movies, but he did so we could always cuddle. I walked over to my bed and plugged my phone in and curled up next to cols. We ended watching movies all night until I slowly drifted off to sleep. 

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