Chapter 1: Your Tale

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[Name] wakes up in their bed and blink their eyes as they look around. Their room is small, with wooden floor panels and a small office desk. There is a computer on it and some other flurry of notes. [Name] gets out of the comfortable bed and fixed their bed tidily before changing. They chose to wear a zip up collared jumpsuit with two stripes in the upper part. The pants had 2 over-sized pockets in the side. [Name] wore brown hiking boots that the pants were tucked into and decided that was enough fashion for today. After all, this may not look overly that fashionable, but they sure were their favorite. 

They were kind of hungry, and decided to eat breakfast. It was Saturday, they didn't have work, which was them working in multiple places. They were a fine arts professor at Mandela University during Sundays, and during the weekdays they were an artist: they were diverse in many artistic things, such as digital drawing, animation, writing poetry and stories, and even composing music every once in a while. 

But their actual main job was a storyboard artist. 

[Nmae] had always wanted to be a director and send their stories out in movies and films across the world. They had an extreme case of hyperphantasia, which was a case of visualizing things extremely vividly in mind. Sometimes, it was so bad, they couldn't even tell which was real and which was not. They lost themselves in their imaginations and most of the times they couldn't wake up. This interfered with their life, as their grades dropped, and they were shunned by their family. So they had run away...

Into Mount Ebott. 

Legends say that people who climb up the mountain never return. 

But here they are. Alive and functioning well in society.

Luckily, their control over their hyperphantasia got better, and they were able to get jobs after that. Albeit so successfully, since they were living in the middle-class, and even the jobs fit them with their personality. 

But this year had been really harsh. Pandemic had struck, and now there were these things called... Alternates. Whatever they were, they were a public threat. [Name] was still unsure what they were, so after cooking themselves a simple meal of a ham sandwich, they turned on the TV and saw the broadcast. 

First they saw the VHS tape made by the United States Department of Temporal Phenomena, what to do when encountering an alternate, made somewhere in the 19XX. The announcer was saying something, with the images for visual representation, but [Name] was not the best in hearing. They could make out some parts of the speaker's words:

"We are currently receiving countless reports of . . . stay home, lock all doors and windows, and have access to a loaded firearm or any ranged weapon . . . "

[Name] was trying very hard to listen to the broadcast as best as they could. They were muttering words that clearly had the tone of confusion. But then they heard these words, clear as day, as if God have helped them open up their ears, even just for a temporary moment.

"If you see another person that looks identical to you, run away and hide. If you see another person that has a biologically impossible physical characteristic, run away and hide."

[Name] thought to themselves in scorn towards the old broadcast how useless the information actually was. Yes, they missed a few things of what the speaker said, but they really hoped they had a solution against these creatures. Regardless, [Name] kept listening.

"If one manages to break into your home, refrain from any kind of communication or contact with the threat. These intelligent lifeforms utilize elements of psychological warfare to take advantage of their victims."

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