Chapter two - Avatars

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I glared at my brother as I got into my link thing. I leaned back and pulled everything down. Still not able to feel anything. My head staid down as it closed. It looked like a tanning bed. I closed my eyes. As my mind went blank. I went threw the tunnel.

My eyes snapped open as I turned my head. Shock at the air hitting my skin. I shoot up in shock. My fingers touching anything I could reach. "Holy shit. I can feel." That's when my brother stood up. I sighed. Cussing. I stood up. Moving after my brother after pulling out the wires. I sprinted. Catching up to him in seconds. He skidded to a stop as I turned on my heal. Smacking him on the back of the head. He growled as I turned and looked at the incoming Grace. She threw two fruits. We each caught one. And ate it.

I rolled my eyes at my brother's idiotic behavior before smacking his hand and forcing him to lay down. Before I myself laid down. Closing my eyes. When they opened I can again no longer feel.

I walked to my avatar. Glancing at my brother. Everyone seemed to avoid me. They where scared of me. Like everyone. I heard a whisper. 'I hear she's a lot like the natives here. Won't hesitate to cut you or shoot you down if she sees you as a threat.' I smirked. "It's true." The people I was looking at jumped back. "So don't piss me off." I then continued on.

My breath caught in my throat at the sight. Truly beautiful. Like the older pictures of earth. I glared at my brother as he acted like a child. On my sides where twin daggers. On each thigh pistols. And on my back was a machine gun. Where Grace and Norm where experts on the plants. I was animals. And plants. I walked with my brother. My gun on my back. I hated guns. Preferring archery. But I was still a god damn shot. Never once missing. I staid with my brother as I explained what he would stop and stare at was. Smacking the back of his head as he pointed a gun at a harmless animate. "Idiot." He growled.
"I'm not a kid Lu."
"Then stop acting like one." We reached plants. He plaid with them.

He pointed a gun at one of the many creatures. He's truly an idiot. I allowed Grace to talk to him. Nodding to him as I pulled out my gun. Then. I hissed. My ears pinning to my head as I did so. Then it ran. I turn on my heal and cussed. Great. Amazing. I watched the Thantacore and grabbed my brother. Speaking before Grace. "Don't feel like dying. Let's book it." I sprinted. Dragging him behind him. I threw him forward and pushed him down a tree. I shot my gun as I tried to defend my brother. Only to lose it. He lost his pack. I pulled out my pistols and shot at the damned thing. This continued until I also lost my pistols. We reached a water fall I cussed. Grabbed my brothers hand then, without hesitation, I jumped. I lost his hand short after. And. We where separated. I growled as I broke through the water.

I walked threw the forest. Not breaking a branch. I staid calm. Collected. But ready for anything. I turned on my heal. Sensing eyes on me. Only to see no one. I growled and continued on. Soon it was night fall. I stayed calm as my eyes adjusted. Then I felt it. A dagger to my throat. I acted quickly. My own to the back of his neck. "It's simple. Release me I release you. Cut me I'll cut you. Your choice." I spoke in the na'vi's language. The male gripping me cussed.
"What are you. Your not Normal. Not like us. Not like sky people." I hissed at him. He released me. I span on my heal. Hair flying as my dagger was again placed in its hidden spot. The man looked at me. "What do you want. You had your bow pointed at me. An arrow ready. Why not kill me?" He stared at me. I stared right back. I was truly different. His hair black. Greenish gold eyes. Looked into my icy blue ones.
"Eywa sent a sign."
"Really. Like what?" I growled at him this time, my tail flicking in annoyance. That's when others appeared. Great. Amazing. "I'm dead." I glared at what I'm guessing are warriors.
"Calm. Calm. There was a sign from Eywa. This is a situation for Tshaik." At the moment the seeds of the sacred tree appeared. I looked at the white creatures. So much like my hair as they landed on me. I glanced at them. "See." The one I was talking to earlier spoke. "Sign from Eywa." Next thing I now I'm being dragged away. Amazing. Not soon after my baby brother was added to the group. I smiled at him. He just stared at me confused. We both knew if I wanted I could easily escape.

We stood in front of the chef. He insulted us. I sneered. My brother asked what was happening. The woman who brought Jake here answered. Then his wife. Or mate. The Tshaik appeared. Talked for a bit. Examined me and my brother. Went to stab my brother. I acted quickly. Yanking his arm and pulling him behind me. I then blanked my face. The woman simple stared at me in shock. Then blanked her face. Stabbing my chest instead. Naturally I hissed at her. She chuckled. "She's a fighter. A protector. Strong willed. But I sense a love for Eywa deeper then I've ever seen before. And Eywa loves her just as much." I tilted my head at her. As one of the warriors from before scoffed. I glared at him. Then the woman again spoke. This time in English. "What are you called? Why are you here?" My hand slapped onto my brothers mouth. As to stop him from saying anything stupid or revealing that we were warriors in a way. As I speak.
"We came to learn. We are siblings. Miss Tshaik. I am the older one. Luanne Sully. Luanne is fine. Sully is a family name. Like a tribe or clan. And this is my younger brother. Jake Sully." I stopped. Allowing them to digest this info. Before I could continue she spoke.
"What is your role in you clan."
"Are clan no longer exists. Well. Other then us. Me and my brother are the last. The rest have passed on." I again allowed them to digest the info. Then my brother bit my hand. I hissed at him and smacked his head. Hard. He kneeled and yelped. Then he spoke up. Still kneeling as he held his throbbing head.
"We are warriors. I was a marine. She. Well. Big sis was a plan old warrior." This time I hissed at him. The woman spoke.
"Warriors?" I was about to speak when Jake spoke up.
"Luanne is like a legend back where we come from. People fear and respect her. They have legends and songs about her deeds." I looked at him and raised a brow. "No. Really sis. They do." I just hissed at him again. This time stomping on his tail. He yelped and shut up.
"Warriors. I could defeat them easily!" I turned on my heal. Seething in annoyance. And. I spoke. In perfect Na'vi.
"I'd like to see you try." I looked him dead in the eye. The woman held her hand up and looked to my brother. Probable sensing that I'd refuse to tell her of what I've done as a warrior.
"What deeds has you sister done to earn such respect." Jake smirked. Then spoke.
"Only single handed save over a thousand people. Get blown up twice. Get shot five times. Stabbed six. Walked threw fire. And fought fully armed men more them twice her size bare handed. Right sis." The woman looked at me wide eyed. I. Off course glared at my brother.

I may or may not be plotting his murder. He again spoke. "She's the best warrior we have." The woman moved. Grabbing her daughter the woman who brought Jake here and the man who insulted me and my brother as warriors. Talking to them in a whisper. I had a feeling that I was not going to like this.
"It has been decided. Jakesully."
"Jake." I reminded. She smiled at me and nodded.
"Apologies. Jake. My daughter. Neytiri will teach you our ways. It will be difficult. And we shall see if your insanity can be cured." Her daughter complained as the man glared at me. The woman turned and looked at me. "Miss Luannesully."
"Luanne." I reminded silently. She nodded.
"Apologize. Luanne. Our best warrior. Tse'tey will teach you. I can sense you'll learn fast and quickly. Eywa is strong with you. I can tell she favors you. Why I do not know but I wish to Learn more of you. Learn well Luanne." I nodded to her. Slightly bowing as the said man grabbed me and dragged me away. Taking me to Eywa knows where. My brother must have sensed my growing annoyance and rage because he yelled out.
"Don't hurt anyone who pisses you off!"
"I DO NOT DO THAT!" He just laughed as Tse'tey dragged me away. I may or my not have been plotting a few more murders in my head.
"And no plotting murder sis!" I just growled as I yanked myself away from the man and yelled. As I followed him.
"SHUT UP JACOB JAXTON SULLY!" He yelped at the use of his full name and hide behind Neytiri. Whispering words that seemed to amuse the woman.
"Violent savage woman." Tse'tey whispered. I whipped around and glared. "I heard that. Jackass!" He just glared back at me.

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