Chapter Seven - Fifteen Years Later.

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Fourteen years latter.

It had been a total of fifteen years since the Sky people left. My oldest was a girl named Zea. She was fourteen year old girl. Next was a boy named Ayo. He was a nine years old. Then another girl named Srare. She was four years old. All three of them looked like Tse'tey. Tse'tey said he wanted a whole litter of munchkins. When I asked his many he said six. I laughed at him for that. He's still asking for more kids. I wack him every time he dies. Yet he still trying to convincing me to have another.

We where currently flying around. Not far from my brother and Neytiri. That's when we saw it. Sky people where returning. I hissed in response. Ears pinned flat against my head as I moved to Eclipse. We needed to warn the tribe.

One year later.

I rode on top of Eclipse. My eyes following the train. I looked to my daughter and son. Ears pinned back. "Zea! Your ass better stay in the sky and keep doing recon. If I find out you go down I'll have your hide!"
"Yes ma'am!" I dived down. Attacking one of the shuttles in the sky. I then shot my bow. Twisting and turning as I took out person after person. Ship after ship.

I landed and watched out. Holding my bow at the ready. When I saw two certain Idiots flying down. I growled as I moved. My hair was shorter now. Reaching my shoulders. The ships appeared and I moved. Tacking the boys to the ground. Shielding them with my body. Another burn appeared. Covering my whole back side. I hissed. Then glared at the two. I moved. Dragging the two with me. All but throwing then at there Ikran. My lightly pregnant stomach barely noticeable. Not a bump yet.

I landed on the cliff side. Eclipse had landed a bit lower then the others. Reaching her head over the cliff so I can hope off. I did so and saw my mate. Landing to my left. My brother had four children. Netyaime, Kiri, Lo'ak, And Tuk. I looked up as my two youngest ran up to me. My daughter Zea hopped off and watched her cousins as a ten year old Ayo and a five year old Srare ran up to me. My ears twitched as I smiled and hugged then. Chuckling at the slight pout on Tse'tey's face.

I sat in Mo'at's tent with my kids. She had agreed to be Tshaik until she passed. As I sat she treated the burn on my back. Tse'tey sat across of me. Just staring. Well. Scowling at me. "What?"
"You shouldn't be flying. Let alone fighting." I just rolled my eyes.
"Are we really back to this Tse'tey. I'm a warrior. A fighter. I'll fight if I damn well want to."
"You are with child Luanne."
"I'm also a grown ass woman. If I want to fight I'll fight."
"Please malu." I crossed my arms. Only to make Mo'at smack my head at the action.
"The nice name will not help your case Tse. I'm Al-Lat Daughter of Eywa." He just sighed. As my ears twitched. I turned my head to see Zea, Ayo, and Srare staring at us. I smiled. "I'll be right out children. Your father will go with you." Tse'tey instantly looked at me. Then he exited looks in the kids faces. Then me. Then he sighed and spoke.
"This conversation is not over." I just laughed at him. Then glanced down at my bracelet. My eyes saddened as I knew I could not keep it if I wished to live on. I had already empty what was in them at the tree of voices it was time to get ride if it. But my eyes looked at the golden human ring. I will burry my bracelet at the tree of voices.

I sat with my son and daughters. Leaning against my mates cheats as they cuddled up to us. I hummed a simple melody as I stroked Ayo's and Srare's heads. Tse'tey stroked mine and Zea's heads. This was one of our rare moments of peace. We didn't get much anymore. And I knew where I was three months in that I had but only a little while longer before other warriors other them Mo'at and Tse'tey to find out that I am with child. Which when that happens everyone. I mean everyone will be full blown restraining me from going out to join the battle. As if they could. Well. With over a hundred maybe they could.

Child. You need to be careful. You and your brother are being targeted.
By who mother.
The colonel.
But how. I killed him years ago.
He's returned in a Na'vi like body.

I growled as I hopped down to the ground. Those assholes. Mo'at and Tse'tey went and told Jake I was pregnant. He flipped out. Gaining the attention of everyone. Now the whole ass clan new I was pregnant. Now there only letting me go on recon. On. The. Ground. My feet hit the floor as I looked up and flipped off the base. Before feeling a breath on my neck. I turned on my heal. "Hello you handsome boy." In front of me was Stoic. As tall, strong, fast, and stubborn as he was the first time I met him. My hand reached up and I patted his neck before throwing my leg over him and hopping on. I made the bond and we where off. Galloping away.

I had Stoic stop at a familiar sound of propellers. I cussed and flew off of him. Dis connecting the bond. He still followed me until I made a hand gesture for him to go around. He puffed out some air and shook his head no. I sighed. I glared at him. Though he was strong he was old. He wouldn't last much longer. At all. My head shook as we continued to move.

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