New Couch Issues - Analogical

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"Logan we cannot fit an eleven foot couch in this room. I have an interior design degree, just, trust me." Virgil said, gently yet firmly. Logan looked over to Virgil, fiddling with the tape measure in his hands.

"Well, if we put it this way then it would fit and be right across from the television." Logan said. Virgil stared at Logan like he had two heads.

"The doorway is here, we can't have a chair this way." Virgil said.

"I just measured. We could absolutely fit a couch here." Logan assured, mouth open to continue speaking until Virgil gently placed a hand over his mouth.

"Yes- okay. You are correct. We could fit a couch there measurement wise. But we use this little area as a walkway, and that would totally block it off. We would have to walk all the way around the bottom floor." Virgil said. Logan looked at the floor, thinking.

"Ah.... yes. I do see that now." Logan said. He tilted his head slightly, folding his arms and trying to think.

"You've always said it would be fun to learn to vault over things like, and I quote, 'Laura Croft from Tomb Raider'." Logan said. Virgil cackled for a moment, gently shoving Logan.

"Yeah, but not for everyday use in my own damn living room!" Virgil said, Logan letting out a soft chuckle and nodding.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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