Kitten - Remus x Virgil x Janus

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"Remus what the fuck." Virgil said.

"Virgil listen it's not-" Remus started, only to be interrupted by Virgil again.

"Remus what the FUCK." Virgil said, very very worried. Oh no.

"It's just a kitten!" Remus insisted, pouting as he held the tiny, pure white, floofy, purring kitten in his arms.

"It was raining and she was outside and soaked and I couldn't just leave her there!" Remus whined, gently petting the kitten's head. The kitten purred quietly. Virgil huffed.

"Our apartment doesn't allow- Janus won't be very happy! Money is tight already let alone taking care of a-"

"Taking care of a what?" Janus asked, standing in the doorway. His hands were resting on his hips, the man still in his work suit.

"Nothing!" Remus said instantly, hiding the kitten in his arms. He turned away from Janus and Virgil, gently petting the tiny white kitten.

Janus looked at Virgil who tensed up, biting his lip.

"Uh- I- it's nothing?" Virgil said, playing with his sleeves nervously. Janus raised an eyebrow.

"Remus... what do you have?" Janus said. He walked in the room, gently spinning Remus around and gasping.

"Remus! Did you steal someone's cat?!" Janus asked. Remus held the kitten close, shaking his head feverently.

"No! I found her in the rain and I couldn't leave her there she's so tiny and cute!" Remus explained quickly. Janus smiled a little, gently scritching under the kitten's chin making her purr loudly. Janus sighed.

"She is rather cute. Do you have a name for her?" Janus asked softly. Remus smiled, nodding.

"Kitty!" Remus chirped, Janus chuckling softly. Virgil seemed to chill a little now that he knew Janus wasn't upset, smiling a little as he pet the kitten.

"Oh she is really soft..." Virgil mumbled. Janus chuckled and kissed Virgil's temple, Virgil blushing.

"You two are both more adorable than that cat ever will be." Janus said, Virgil blushing more and hiding his face in his sleeves. Remus grinned and went back to petting Kitty distractedly.

"Well I guess we have a cat now." Janus hummed to himself.

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