
377 12 1

OCTOBER 12TH, 2011
📍beacon hills high school
10:59 AM

"here's where we found the den," stiles said to evie and allison, pointing at a map on his tablet. "it's right in the middle of the hiking trails."

"well, that could narrow it down," evie replied. "coyotes travel in fixed trails."

"i think you're right about her not going back to the den," allison stated. "coyotes don't like wolves. and they're really smart. if they don't want to be heard, they actually walk on their toes."

"coyotes tiptoe?" stiles asked in confusion.

"they tiptoe," allison confirmed with a nod. the school bell rang, signaling it was time for class. "i got to go, but send me the pinned location."

"okay," stiles nodded.

evie, stiles and scott headed to their seats, with scott being stopped by kira. the other two teens shared a smirk as they took their seats beside each other at the front of the room.

"i still can't believe you didn't invite me body hunting last night," evelyn told the boy.

"it was late," stiles responded. "would you rather i called you and woke you up?"

"absolutely not," she said. "i love sleeping. if you'd have dared disrupt me, it would be your body scott would be finding instead."

"all right, everyone! let's get started," mr yukimura interrupted. "we were just talking about internment camps and prisoners of war. there's a passage in our reading that i'd like to go over in more detail. who would like to come up and read aloud for us?.. mr stilinski, how about you?"

"oh, uh.." stiles replied, glancing over to evie in worry. "maybe someone else could."

"i can do it instead," evie offered with a raised hand, knowing stiles' struggle with reading at the moment.

"as nice as that is of you miss steiner, everyone participates in my class, mr stilinski," the man responded.

"okay.." stiles sighed, standing up and heading forwards the front.

he stared at the text book for a moment, before evie noticed his breathing turning shaky, and his hands gripping the stand.

"stiles?" she asked, noticing similar symptoms to the panic attack he'd had a few weeks prior. she stood up, slowly walking towards him. "stiles, it's okay.." she turned to mr yukimura. "i should take him to the nurse's office."

the man nodded, and evelyn grabbed onto stiles pulling him out the classroom. they found their way down the corridor and into the boy's locker room, and immediately stiles collapsed onto the floor.

quickly, evie kneeled down beside him, placing her hands on his face like she had done the previous time. "stiles, you're okay. you're having another panic attack, but you're safe, okay? i'm right here.."

"it's a dream, it's a dream," stiles replied to her. "this is just a dream."

"no, it's not," she told him. "this is real. you're here. you're here with me and i'm not leaving, okay?"

"it's a dream," the boy repeated.

"um.." evie mumbled, trying to think of a way to prove to stiles this was real. "fingers. you have extra fingers in dreams, right?"

"yeah," stiles nodded hesitantly.

"okay.." evie responded, removing her hands from his face. "let's count my fingers, okay? hey, look at me. okay. count with me. one.."

MIRRORBALL, stiles stilinski.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora