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📍steiners' apartment
23:12 PM

evie stirred awake, feeling some strong cramps starting. she decided she was going to get up and get a hot water bottle to try and help with the pain. as she sat up, she grabbed her phone from her nightstand to check the time, and saw several missed calls and voicemails from stiles and scott, as well as several urgent texts from the latter.

her eyebrows furrowed as she stood up and entered the kitchen, calling scott, who'd last called her two minutes ago. immediately, he answered. "scott, what's going on?"

"where have you been?" the boy asked. "listen, stiles is missing."

"what?" evie exclaimed.

"he called me and he said he doesn't know where he is, but he thinks he's in a basement and he's bleeding and.."

"oh my god.." she mumbled, feeling her heart drop.

"isaac and i are two minutes away from your apartment building. are the twins there? can they help too?"

"uh, no. ethan's at danny's and aiden's with lydia somewhere," she replied. "listen, i have to go and get dressed, okay? i'll meet you in the parking lot in a few minutes."

she hung up the phone, and was now interested in the voicemail sent by stiles from thirty minutes ago. she clicked on it, feeling her eyes water as she listen.

"ev.. please, i need you. i need you to answer. it's so cold and.. and dark. and i.. i can't feel my leg. i don't know where i am, but i need you to find me. you have to find me, ev. please.. i need you. please."

there was fear and pain evident in his voice, making a tear roll down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away and took a deep breath. keep it together, ev, she told herself. she headed into her bedroom and got ready quicker than she'd ever done before.

first, she replaced her pyjama shorts with some black flared leggings, before throwing a hoodie on over her tank top. she pulled some socks over her bare feet before slipping on her converse.

her hair was a complete mess, so she quickly grabbed a claw clip and left the house with it, messily twisting her hair back into it in the elevator to save time.

she left the building, and saw scott and isaac on the boy's motorbike. "what's the plan?"

"we're gonna go to stiles' house to get something to smell so we can try and track him by scent," scott replied.

"you don't already know what his scent is?" evie asked in confusion.

"no, sorry. we don't spend as much time sniffing him as you do," isaac remarked.

choosing to ignore the boy's comment, she asked, "have you called the sheriff?"

"no, stiles asked me not to," scott told her. "he doesn't want to worry him."

"oh, so he'll just worry us instead," evie huffed. she was extremely concerned about stiles, felt incredibly guilty about not answering his call and not to mention, she was still having heavy period cramps. "we have to call him, scott. stiles could be dying! we need all the help we can get!"

"we'll find him, okay? we have to," scott stated, pulling his helmet back on. "meet us at stiles'."

evie nodded, walking towards her car and unlocking it, before following the other two wolves to the stilinski house.

- 💗🌙💄 -

📍stilinski house
23:50 PM

MIRRORBALL, stiles stilinski.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang