Chapter 3

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"Anger, which, far sweeter than trickling drops of honey, rises in the bosom of a man like smoke."

- Homer

3rd POV

Vice Admiral Azuki accompanied by several shipgirls along with Aleksanders Bonhomme and The Empress III in his right shoulder walking following the pathways into the some building, they arrive in the some quite building Vice Admiral Azuki and few Shipgirls enter building meanwhile Aleksanders measure the door so he can fit in reality he can't fit, so he break the top of door with his left arm even he break top of door still can't fit despite his size but he forced building making the door get destroyed. Azuki expression is cannot describe and she ignore it, Aleksanders can see inside building there's few shipgirl but there's alot armored men carry M4A1 with various attachment and also their bullet is AP(Armor Piercing) in point of view Aleksanders they just stubgun with some modification in their weapon.

Aleksanders hear Azuki saying to him and she continue to follow him and he follow him, before he step into the stair Aleksanders know that stair can't hold weight so he his psychic power to change the weight so his weight like average men. They arrive in the upper floor he can see more armored men with various different weapon some men carrying tube gun(Javelin) and he turn look into the window he can see few sniper aiming at him but in reality in his radar/auto-sense/etc there's 200 or 300 armored men and armored vehicle in different position.

Then they arrive in the meeting room the double door opened by HMS Belfast and HMS Cheshire, Aleksanders see 6 men with different rank. 2 men Rank-Commander, 1 men Rank-Captain, 1 Rank-Lieutenant Commander, 1 Men Rank-Rear Admiral (Lower Half), 1 Women Rank-Lieutenant. Azuki sits in middle between right three men and left three men, Aleksanders laying down The Empress III in the chair and he look around theres no seats nor chair for him.

Aleksanders: "Atleast bring a table for me so can sitting down."

Captain: "But your weight and height can be problem."

Aleksanders want to speak but he saying the truth, the room height around 10 feet meanwhile his height 9,5 feet so he picking standing.

Azuki: "Alright this conversation began starts, first we ask to your or you ask to us?"

Aleksanders: "Whatever you want."

Azuki: "Alright you ask to us."

Aleksanders: "Fine. Can you explain about siren are they xenos or another advance human civilization or civil war faction." He wanna test their knowledge about Siren.

Azuki: "Well we know very little knowledge about siren, in research and scientist about siren and they said they alien but they take human form."

Aleksander: 'They have no knowledge about siren.'

Aleksanders: "Then what is that Shipgirl, are they created by your technological or they created by unknown ancient civilization or from your ancestor?"

Azuki: "Nope they created from Wisdom Cube."

Aleksanders: "The abbreviation for Kansen is Kinetic Artifactual Navy Self-Regulative En-lore Node right?" All of them shocked how the hell the behemoth know about Kansen.

Aleksanders: "And then there's Eagle Union, Royal Navy, Sakura Empire, Iron Blood, Dragon Empery, Northern Parliement, Iris Libre, Iris Orthodoxy, Vichya Dominion, and Sardegna Empire. Thats main faction correct?"

All of them in the room expect Aleksanders can't saying single words then how the hell this behemoth killing machine know about them, Azuki says yes.

Aleksanders: "Now its your turn for ask me question."

Azuki: "Can you explain more about Chapter and Adeptus Astartes or Space Marine."

Aleksanders: "Very well, The Space Marine Chapter is the largest commonly-used organizational unit of Space Marine. Space Marine is a super soldier they have 19 new organ for such as example is three lung, second heart and many more, and also they part of military from Imperium Of Man."

Azuki: "Then What is that Imperium Of Man?"

Aleksanders: "Imperium Of Man in simple answer is, a Galactic Empire spanning of entire Milky Way Galaxy but stretched thin." Few seconds later there's no more question from Azuki nor other guy.

Azuki: " Then how many Imperium Of Man Military army or Military Faction?"

Aleksanders: "Imperium Of Man consist of Imperial Guard, Planetry Defense Force, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Titanicus, Imperial Navy, Tempestus Scion, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Sororitas, The Silent Sisterhood, and last Adeptus Custodes." Azuki and fellow friend nodded in understand explaining from Aleksanders.

Aleksanders: "Entire your faction in this planet are middle of crisis because Siren attacking various key positions and also spreading of corruption to commanding officer leading each faction within The Azur Lane right?"

Azuki: "Yes, and we need your help."

Aleksanders: "I need some paper and any writing utensils."

Azuki: "For what?"

Aleksanders: "I have proposal and send this message to United Nation."

Azuki nodded, she order HMS Cheshire to grab a some papers and writing utensils. 3 days later United Nation called Aleksanders to HQ United Nation and meeting with them and also they send a vehicle to carry him, In the meeting conference so many debate, argument, politic and more. Only few individuals wins agains't Aleksnader argument and debate but huge majority from Aleksanders is wins. In conclusion from United Nation agree give all authority Azur Lane main faction and Sub faction giving to Aleksanders.

To Be Continued....


( A/N: Short Chapter, But Some Of You All Wondering Why So Many Chapter Are Short Well I Run Out Of Idea Because I Dizzy Thinking About Other Things And Also Few My Fanfiction Are Forget To Updatting Or Releasing New Chapter, Thats It From Me And Think That's All Thank You For Reading My Fanfiction. )

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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