chapter 1

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im on the trian back to hogwarts sitting in the compartment with hermine and ron they are not currently talking to each other they fizzled out pretty quickly just like me and jenny but im sure not for the same reason me and jenny broke up cause i like someone else and i wont ever like a girl as much as i like him the problem is that he hates my guts if he knew how much i think about him he would laugh in my face and tell the whole school and i would be tormented and i cant tell ron he is not exactly open to gays but i could tell hermine "hey hermine do you want to go to the back of the trian and get some air" "sure harry lets go" we got up and went to walk to the back of the trian and we had to walk through the slitherin compartment and as we are walking through we have pass him my heart speeds up and i think it almost stopped and i triped over my own feet and knocked into draco "watch where your going potter" he spat with that adorable half smirk and i just turned and drug hermine to the back of the trian and put a locking spell on it and we sat down "so i have something to tell you and i dont know how you will react so im just gonna spit it out im gay" "oh harry i thought you might be and thats okay i think its great and i wont tell anyone if you dont want me too so is there anyone you like" "yeah there is one guy but i dont think you will like who it is" " oh you dont know that come on tell me" "ok well i like draco" "oh wow i did not see that coming but thats okay i think you guys would be cute together if you know he changes a bit" " thank you Hermine for not getting angry at me" "oh its no problem i am fine with the fact that your gay it really is not a big deal i mean we found out you were one of Voldemorts horcruxes and i did not freak out then i mean you cant help being gay just like you could not help that" "thank you hermine lets get back to ron" we got up and headed back to were ron was to finish the journey

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