Chspter 19

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When we got to the station we saw hermione right away "Ron is already there shall we go" she asked as she draped in to the train I followed her with Draco in my grasp as we sat down the train set In motion " so I have been thinking about maybe after this gets sorted out with Draco I would propose to him I know it has not been long but I really think I love him" I say watching little Draco play "I think that's a great idea" said hermione as the train pulled up to Hogsmead "come on dray time to get off" I said and he grabbed my hand "Otay hawwy" we stepped off the train and saw some snakes watching is I just picked Draco up and walked to the three broom sticks I spotted rob fight away hermione sat next to him and me and Draco sat across from them a waitress came over and asked us what we wanted and we got three butter beers and an apple juice that's when I noticed the three snakes from the train "mione do you see them?" I asked quietly after a little while" yeah let's get out of here" we quickly finished our drinks  and left we went to the sweet shop so I could get Draco something "what would you like dray" "nothing candy makes you fat and malfoys are not fat Dady says we don't eat much cause malfoys not fat" he says back to me "oh drag you are not fat and your dads not here you don't have to worry about him lets get you a treat okay" I said as I picked him up and got a bag of my favorite sweets so he could try them I payed and we walked out "let's go home alright dray" yeah hawwy" I picked him up and we headed back to the school

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