chapter 10

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dracos pov

when we got to the Gryffindor common rooms we harry showed me around while ron and Hermione stayed in the main room he took me into the boys dormitory "it used to be that the boys all slept ione big room but when they rebuilt this part of the castle they made it where it was only one or two boys per room" he told me "and you will be in my room he said while pushing a door open when we walked into a cozy little room with two beds and a fire place with a closet on each side and a small bathroom that we are meant to share I sat my stuff down on the empty side and sat down on the bed and looked around then ron walked through the door with a bag in his hands "McGonagall told me to give these to you draco" he said and handed me the bag "she said it was your new robes im gonna let you get settled in me and Hermione are going to go walk the grounds" he saiod then walked away "hey thanks ron I called after him" then sat on my bed I wondered when he would ever come around and trust that I have changed "hey are you gonna put your stuff away or just sit there?" harry said breaking me out of my thoughts I look over and he is laying on his bed I want to just sit here and stare at him for the rest of my life but I have to get my shit put away and take a shower and change so we can go down to dinner I think about how every one will react when they see me walk in and sit at the table in my new Gryffindor robes they will probably bew shocked I think as finish putting on my robes then I walk out of the bathroom and I see harry he fell asleep so I go over to him and kiss him on the lips and move down to his neck and he wakes up laughing "are you ready to go to dinner" I ask him and he gets up an we walk down to the great hall

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