chapter 3

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when we get off the train me Ron and hermine head to the carriages   we are some of the last people off the train and the last people in line for the carriages when we get up to get on one there is one more person who needs to get on one and its Draco "hey Malfoy you can ride with us this is the last carriage" hermine calls i look at hermine with a look of pure terror "what are you doing hermine" "oh really harry after our talk i think you can stand to have him sit with us for 20 minutes" she said clearly on the verge of laughing "whats so funny granger" Draco asks as he gets up in the carriage and it starts to move "oh nothing i just was remembering a conversation that me and harry had one time it was pretty funny" said hermine not being able to hold back her giggles any longer "oh it couldn't  be that interesting conversation that you guys had on the back of the train when you forgot to put a silencing charm on the door could it" he smirked and winked at me "what you heard that? how much did you hear" i asked turning red "i dont think we should talk about that here why dont we talk in privet when we get to school or else any one could hear us" said draco "fine as soon as we get back to school we will talk about this and you better bet that it will happen" i said then we all lapsed into silence for the rest of the trip

is he going to tell every one what if he is going to torment me what is going to happen i thought to myself feeling like i might start crying. i guess there is nothing i can do till i talk to him "hey harry are you gonna get off or sit here all night" hermine said breaking me out of my thoughts um yeah im oming i say as i stand up and get off as the four of us start walking up to the castle draco falls behind i slow down that way i can talk to him "where do you want to meet that way we can talk" "meet me right outside the forbiden forest after dinner" i nod my head "okay" and walk faster to catch up with ron and hermine who to my suprise are talking again and holding hands "what happend with you to" i asked "ron apoligised for what he did so we are together again" "wow thats great but i dont think you ever told me what happend" " well it dosent matter now it is over" hermine said smiling "okay thats fine with me as long as you guys are talking again" i said as we walked into the great hall

our little secret drarry (boyxboy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant