chapter 4

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~~~~~~time laps after dinner in the forest~~~~~~~~~


I walked into the forbidden forest and see a head of white hair as I walk towred draco he turned around "well hello harry" he said with a hint of a laugh in his voice "hello draco what is it you want to talk about" I asked kinda coldly I still was not sure what he wanted if he was going to humiliate me in front of everyone then why would he want to talk to me first "well you want to just get to the point then" he said with laughter dancing in his eyes "yes what do you want in order for you to keep your mouth shut" I said with venom dripping from every word he could only want something from me  "i don't want any thing from you potter and I was not going to out you so you can stop being a foul git"  he said with a sneer "oh im sorry I just thought that you were going to tell everyone" I said regretting my behavior "well I am not going to tell so you can stop worrying" he said smileing at me "well then why did you ask me to come out here" I asked "well I wanted to tell you something but im not sure if you want to know" he said wiggling his eyebrows why is he so cute when he is doing that "okay I want to know" I said winking at him "okay well I thought you should know after that talk on the train and you said you like me well im gay too" he said in a rush of words then he just stould there looking at me like I was going to laugh at him or yell at him I just looked at him then I ran to him and crashed our lips together and to my surprise he kissed me back with just as much force I pulled away "so does this mean that we are together" I asked "i guess we are" he said with a smirk and with that we walked back to the castel together

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