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I was playing my drums in my garage, my friends were playing guitar and singing. The garage door opened, "what did mom tell you about not playing here?" Tomoha asked, "I know! But no one else has a garage!" I replied. "Fine. But I'm telling mom!" She said, "noo!!" I said. The garage door then closed, we went back to playing. Soon it was night and everyone went home, "Remember! DND tomorrow!!" I shouted out, cherry nodded, I smiled and gave her a thumbs up.
I closed the door and went into my room. "Hi Phil~!" I patted my cat on the head, I jumped onto my bed and grabbed my phone. *knock knock.* "Come in!~" I said in a singy-songy voice, "do you want some cake?" Tomoha asked, "yeah sure! Im coming!" I said. Getting up and scaring my cat causing him to run away.

                  -DAY OF APOCALYPSE-
"What the hell.." I said, looking at the monsters eating out cherry's organs and body parts. I cried and cried and hid in my basement, it has a padlock on it so I should be safe. My dad kept his weapons and guns down here, so I grabbed a baseball bat, pocket knife, machete and a gun. I got a backpack and satchel to put them in, I put my pocket knife in my satchel and the rest in my backpack. I unlocked the padlock and looked outside, I opened up my pantry then grabbed snacks and kept them in my bag and satchel.

Dear diary,
I've been running out of food and water, so I've been camping out in a grocery store. It has food and water and stuff so I've been eating all that. I set up a bed and some comfortable stuff to sleep, although it's not comfortable, I can deal with it. I've been hearing horrifying noises. All I know is that the monsters are called murk and that if you make eye contact they will try to kill you or will kill you. The internet isn't working anymore aswell, I check the time every so often. I have a electric charger that doesn't need to be charged so that's good.
Note to self: do not look at the murks if done so, they will kill you.

She left and closed the door behind her, I went into the hallway and saw a note. "Dear samual, I have decided to not take the ride. Thank you for caring for me. I wish you and orge the best of luck! -Rayne." 'What? Are these the peoples house?' I thought to myself, it was morning so I think the both of them were awake.

Shit she's so pretty.. [Samael x Female! Y/N] [credits to: Ms.Freaky]Where stories live. Discover now