First meet

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A galaxy lion princess named Stella was waking up in her bed with a yawn, she looked at her clock and saw it was 6:12 in the morning, she groaned and got up and went to the bathroom to do her routines.

"Man, it's so early... but class start at 8:00 and I can't be late or I will be in trouble... but of course I have time to watch my favorite show! Spongebob!"

After she was done she got dressed and went down the stairs to eat breakfast, where she met her family.

"Morning dear hope your sleep was good." Her mom Queen Cressida said.

"Oh it was mom, just had a beautiful dream about-"

"Was it the one about some handsome hot possessive guy, you always tell us about in your dream?" Her brother Izar teased.

"Tch! No! It isn't that stupid dream, I'm done with that dream." Stella said. "Plus I don't need a prince or boyfriend, I'm capable of myself."

"Ok, if you say so." Izar smirked.

Stella rolled her eyes and started eating when her food was placed in front her, she thanked the butler,the Butler nodded and walked off.

After they got done eating Stella went to the living room and put on SpongeBob and watched until it was time to go.

It felt like she only watched it for 1 second when the Cressida walked in.

"Stella time to go to the limo is here for you and your siblings, let's go." Cressida said.

Stella groaned and turned the TV off, grabbed her back pack and went out of the palace gate and into the limo.

The limo driver dropped the kids off then the grown kids off at their school in The state of Michigan.

"Here we are!" The limo driver said.

"Thanks Apollo!" Stella said, Apollo nodded and Stella got out and closed the door and went into the school, The limo drove off.

Stella entered the school and went to her locker to grab her stuff for her first class, while she was grabbing it a boy named Leo came to her and tapped her on the shoulder, Stella turned around with an annoyed look on her face.

"What do you want Leo?" Stella asked annoyed.

"Well, I wanted to tell you, you look so gorgeous you know." Leo winked.

"Look, Leo, I told you I don't have time for this stuff, I'm busy." Stella said annoyed.

"Aww, It's cute how you sound when your annoyed."

Before Stella can say anything the bell rang.

"Well, That's my cue to go to class, I hope to never see you after." Stella mutters and went to class with leo chuckling.

In class the teacher was talking about stuff they will be learning but before that they had a new student joining and Stella was curious on who he or she was.

"We have a new student coming class and I want you all to treat him with respect."

A boy came in and Stella was surprised to see it was another male lion but it was a hybrid he had a scorpion tail and dragon wings, she blushed slightly seeing him but he looked familiar but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"So this is our new student! Why not come introduce yourself?" The teacher said.

"No thanks ma'am, I-Im good!"

"Ok, I understand it's your first time here so your shy, I get it. How about take a seat next to Stella?" The teacher asked.

He nodded and he took a seat next to me. Stella blush spread crossed her face and looked away. She swore she saw the boy looked at her when she turned away.

The teacher started teaching and it went on for 50 minutes.

The bell rang and Stella went to her locker and put my stuff away and went to walk around.

Stella stood in the middle of the hall with her arms crossed over my chest.

Leo came to Stella again and Stella gave him a annoyed look.

"What do you want Leo?" Stella Asked annoyed.

"Well I just wanna ask you to go on a date with me, sweetheart?"

Stella sneared at him. "First off i will never go out with a player, and second off don't call me sweetheart." Stella glared.

Leo chuckled, "Well if you won't come on a date with me I will have to force you sweetheart." Walking to her.

Stella eye's widen, backing up agaisnt the wall, Leo pinned her. "You don't have much of a choice sweetheart."

"HELP" Stella screamed. In a flash the new boy grabbed Leo's neck and held him with dark glare on his face with his teeth bared.

"If you ever..." He said in a dark voice.

"L-Look man...I-I'm SORRY!" Leo shouted.

"If you EVER come near her again, I WILL BEAT YOU UNTIL YOU DIE!" His eyes turned dark red.

"I-I'm sorry! I won't go near her again!" Leo cried and ran away quickly.

Stella was standing there shocked a blush spread across her face, the boy slowly turned around, Oh no... he's turning around... what's he gonna do?... Stella said in her mind. He stared at her for a moment then spoke, "So." "Your the princess Stella of the galaxy, hmm?" He smirked with an eyebrow raised.

"Y-Y-Yes, and who are you?" Stella asked with her arms crossed over her chest and eyebro raised.

He chuckled,"Well, I'm Kyler Passion the son of Jordan Passion." Kyler said winked.

Stella eyes widen at the name, Kyler Passion the future leader of the Jordan mafia gang, Stella said in her mind.

"Let's get something straight Princess, just because your a princess, doesn't mean you can boss me around, ok? I'm the mafia, so you answer to me princess.

Stella gave him a dirty look, don't answer to anyone, alright? I don't need anyone to answer to, I can protect my self, so if you think I will answer to you, heh, well buddy you got it wrong." Stella snapped. Kyler smirked at her. "Well, i respect that, but just a warning darling." Kyler said lifting her chin up, "Don't go underestimating me or we will have a problem, princess." he said in a lustful voice, Stella blushed dark red at his voice. "Well, I can't make any promises, Sir." She said, a smirk on her face.

"Hmm." He huffed, "So you wanna do this the hard way, huh?" He said. "Well, That depends on what you gonna do, but I gotta remind you, don't you mess with a royal, don't wanna know what they can do." She said.

"Tch, what can you do to me? huh?" Kyler asked with an eyebrow raised.

"You will see, but I don't underestimate you, you don't underestimate me, Alright?" Stella said with a smirk. Kyler huffed again.

"Well, then if you wanna do that, then we will play." Kyler said.

Before Stella could say anything the bell rang, "Well, I better get to class, See ya." She said and walked off. she's gonna be the death of me, Kyler thought, and walked to his next class.

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