A field trip to the beach

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The next morning Stella woke up excited cause today was a field trip to the beach! She got up, got dressed, ate breakfast, watched Sponge Bob and went to school all packed for the field trip, she waited for afternoon because well, the field trip didn't start until afternoon, so she waited and hung around with her siblings, "Boy! I can't wait to go to the beach! It will be pawosme!" Izar grinned. "Me either bro!" Adhara grinned, "I'm so excited!" Stella squealed. Alula their other sister rolled her eyes, "You guys are childish about beaches everytime we go." Stella huffed rolling his eyes, "Everyone loves the beach and you just only go there to whoo boys or chase after them or try to look attractive to them." Adhara huffed rolling her eyes. Alula scoffed, "That's because I am attractive!" Alula snapped, Stella, Izar and Adhara all put there hands up, "Ok, ok, jeez!" Izar huffed.

Soon it was afternoon and they were all at the buses, "Ok! one at a time!" The teacher said. Soon everyone was on the bus all talking and excited, they took off to the beach.

At the beach everyone un packed and started playing, Stella was building a sand castle when she heard a voice came behind her, "Well, never seen a teenager into building sand castles." Stella turned around quickly almost knocking down her sand castle, "Kyler you scared the sun out of me!" Stella hissed. Kyler laughed, "Sorry, but I thought building sand castles were for babies?" Kyler smirked. Stella rolled her eyes, "Sand castles Is for everyone, they build it as family or friends, doesn't matter what age you are, you just have fun!" Stella smiled. Kyler looked surprised, "Oh, well you don't mind if... you know..." Kyler stammered, Stella raised an eye brow, "If I can join you on making a sand castle with you?" Kyler asked embarrassed. Stella giggled, "Sure! of course, I'm always letting people play with me!" Stella grinned. Kyler grinned back and sat down.

After a few minutes they were done, Stella and Kyler grinned victorious at the work they done. "We did pretty good! Didn't know you had such talent!" Stella smirked at Kyler, Kyler just shrugged, "I used to do this with my mom." Kyler smirked. Their sand castle was almost the size of a little child, but soon their sand castle was trampled by Alula and her friends playing frisbee, they all laughed while Stella glared and was about to say something but Kyler spoke up, "Hey! you ladies better get away or I will be getting y'all exposed, yea, i know your popular and lots of players and I can easily get y'all unpopular, how about that!" Kyler snapped, the girls stared silently with wide eyes and ran off. Stella stared at Kyler with her jaw dropped, "Wow! I never even dared to stand up to them!' Stella said, "Well, it takes some guts to do it." Kyler said Stella smiled and Kyler smiled back.

After an hour Stella and Kyler were having a blast, chasing each other and building sand castles and eating different kinds of food, they were laughing and enjoying their self. "Whoo! That was fun!" Stella grinned and Kyler chuckled, Then he suddenly blushed at Stella, she had a shell bra and a light lavender sarong skirt, she had her hair in a curly ponytail, She is so beautiful. Kyler thought, he was so lost in thought that he didn't know Stella was calling him, "-ler, hey Kyler?" Stella called, Kyler looked at her, "Uh, yes?" He said. "I lost you there buddy, you ok?" Stella asked. "Yeah, just thinking." Kyler said flushing, "Hmm, ok. wanna play at in the water?" Stella asked smirking, Kyler hesitated then smirked back. "Sure, but who ever reaches there first, gets a massage." Kyler smirked, "A... massage?" Stella asked confused, "Yep, on the foot!" Kyler smirked again, Stella stared at him for a moment then smirked. "Your on!" They got in position, "On the count of three, 1... 2... 3!" Stella said and both started running, Stella had a plan and stopped running, leaving Kyler to finish the race.

"Hah! I won! You slow poke!" Kyler grinned victoriously, He looked back and saw Stella wasn't behind him or in sight, he frowned. "Stella? Stella? Where are you?" Kyler called, there was no answer. he looked around before he was suddenly grabbed and pushed into the water, his eyes widen as he hit the water, he surfaced and glared at Stella who was now laughing her tail off. "Whoo! That was so funny! Look at your face!" Stella laughed, Kyler opened his mouth to say something then closed it when he got a fun idea, "Hmm princess, that was really funny but do you know what would be funnier?" Kyler asked with a eyebrow raised, "What?" Stella giggled. Kyler smirked and grabbed hold of Stella and tickled her, Stella started laughing and suddenly Kyler pulled them both into the water, They both surfaced and started laughing and splashed and swam around and surfed with each other, they were a laughing mess.

Soon it was Evening and they were drying off when the teacher called, "Ok! We gonna stay here until midnight because there is gonna be a firework show!" The teacher grinned and everyone cheered. "So have fun until midnight!" The teacher said as everyone cheered again. "A firework show?! I love fireworks!" Stella grinned her eyes sparkling, Kyler blushed at that, "Yea! Me too! at least I will have someone to watch it with." Kyler winked, Stella blushed and pushed him away. "Shut up." Stella mumbled, Kyler chuckled and cleared his throat, "So I was wondering if... we can take a walk? If it's ok with you!" Kyler asked quickly, Stella looked at him for a moment then smiled sweetly at him, "Of course! I would be delighted too!" Stella smiled. Kyler smiled back and took her hand and they started walking.

After an minute of walking, they had a few small talks here and there but a little of awkward silence, Stella looked around and gasped. "Oh my god... look at that sunset!" Stella eyes sparkled and Kyler couldn't help but blush, "Yea, it is beautiful." Kyler smiled. Stella and Kyler both sat down and watched the sunset, both of them scooted closer to each other and sat by side with each other, smiling.

They didn't how long they were there, but they soon opened there eyes to a noise, they looked at each other and immediately both started blushing, that they were all cuddled up with each other. "Oh, uh... heh, we should... get back." Stella said awkwardly, smiling. "Y-Yeah." Kyler smiled and they both walked back.

They saw their teacher saying something about a countdown for the fireworks. They all sat down and waited until the countdown began. Soon the countdown began, "10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!" Everyone shouted then cheered as the fireworks began, Stella looked at Kyler and Kyler looked back, both smiled sweetly at each other then Stella put her head on his shoulder. Kyler blushed then smiled, "Hoped you had fun Stell." Kyler murmured, "I hoped you did too." Stella murmured, Both sat and watched the Fireworks.

Soon it was time to go home, Stella went into the limo and looked back at Kyler and smiled the most sweetest smile at him, "Thanks Kyler!" Stella called, "No, thank you Stella for giving me this fun day!" Kyler called back. Stella blushed and rolled the windows up and buckled up. She sighed of today that happened, she blushed and sighed again in a loving way, though she didn't notice her siblings knowing look instead of Alula who looked unimpressed and jealous. Love you so much Kyler hope you have a goodnight. Stella sighed again and sat back as the limo driver drove into the night back to the galaxy.

The Mafia and the Childish Galaxy PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora